Zebra Danios

All I know is that being shouling fish you should have an absolute minimum of 5 or 8 depends on what articles you read . But as Jazzzz and lilfishie say there are alot of other factors.

Very entertaining fish :lol:
right you cannot keep a clown loach in you 80l for several reasons, 1st it will out grow your tank, 2nd they prefer to be in groups which will also not be good for your tank size.

now did you just want a clown loach because you like them, or for there snail eating?
if snail eating we can recommend a loach more suitable :good:

Also what is your curret stocking?
thanx mate

i have 3 mollies
1 plec
10 endlers livebearers

At the minute i am inclinded to say none

^^ what sexes are the mollies and endlers? species of pleco?
right you cannot keep a clown loach in you 80l for several reasons, 1st it will out grow your tank, 2nd they prefer to be in groups which will also not be good for your tank size.

now did you just want a clown loach because you like them, or for there snail eating?
if snail eating we can recommend a loach more suitable :good:

Also what is your curret stocking?
thanx mate

i have 3 mollies
1 plec
10 endlers livebearers

At the minute i am inclinded to say none

^^ what sexes are the mollies and endlers? species of pleco?

You have 5 zebras allready so you are either lying now or your other post is a fantasy lie you choose which is a lie lewismate


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