zebra danios not


Gettin back into it all after 4 yrs off
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
stoke on trent, midlands, uk
:huh: everyones kept on zebra danios are a hardy fish can cope with anythin...

yeah ok, then plz explain why iv brought 6 and only 4 of them are still kickin? where as my less hardy fish ( was pooly but now better) siamese fighter is still goin round the tank as if nothings wrong!!!

i realy dont thikn this fish is as hardy as everyone says.... or it could be just me...

whats everyone else think?

Dawn xx
ya know, when i first got a tank, before i ever found this wonderful site, i was told to use danios to cycle with because they were hardy. well, they died within a couple of days. so i agree, danios are NOT all that hardy all the time. but they ahve worked for some people, maybe you and i just had sad lots. now that i know about fishless cycling i do that instead, less dead fish. is your tank fully cycled? have you tested water parameters?
it's just you!! zebra danios are hardy lil fellas!! people often use them for cycling their tanks, because they are so hardy. they're great :cool:
thank u rsz u make me feel so much better! :-(

my tank has been tested, everythings ok, but if danios are stronger than most fish then why are my kissing g's still alive along with my pleco and fighter?

and like m-a-m said... she ( presume ru a she no offence if ur not) had deaths as well.

Dawn xx
You know, I think it's all a roll of the dice. I used 10 neons to cycle my tank, it was up and running without fish for a total of 3 days and I couldn't stand it. I bought 10 neons hoping some would make it......I still have those 10 neons to this day. :dunno:
nightlife20 said:
thank u rsz u make me feel so much better! :-(
i take it you're being sarcastic? :look:

i dont mean to make you feel bad. but i've never had any deaths with my zebra danios!! maybe i'm just lucky. also, i could have had danios which were more immune to illness and disease than yours were.

i was just saying what i know about zd, which is that alot of people think they are hardy.

i don't know why your other fish are still alive.

also, many-a-molly's reply wasn't there when i posted my message :blink: (if you look, we posted in the same minute!! -_- )
fanOfish's reply wasn't there when i started mine either!! i agree with him/her about luck of the draw :nod:
umm sorry mate didnt mean to be sarcastic... its just how i can be somtimes :) dont mean anythin by it tho...

i just dont realy think they are hardy fishes.... but then again are any fish hardy? where one thing can kill one fish another one might need it to live??? i dunno im only a newbie to this stuff....

it was just somthing i needed to get off my chest, next person to tell me danios are hardy need a slap im afraid.... because to say somthin like that as someone as pointed out on other post's means they use these fish for cycling... wich has also been pointed out shortens their lifes..... ok i make no sence to myself so ummm ill go :blink: :dunno:

Dawn xx
Hello Nightlife20 :)

I'm sorry to learn that you are still having problems with your fish. :sad:

The gouramis and betta are both fish that have an extra organ, called a labrynth. which enables them to breathe air. They can often survive in water that many other fish cannot. I wouldn't hold out much hope for your pleco, however, if you don't get your tank cycled.

You put a lot of fish into an uncycled tank. This is the result. I suggest you monitor the chemicals with test kits and do frequent partial water changes until it normalizes. It will take some time to establish the bacteria necessary when you cycle this way so be prepared. If you can farm out the pleco and the zebras, perhaps you can save them still. :nod:

You need the bacteria to develop in the tank. This is nature--you can't hurry it. You can, however, add some bacteria from another tank which will give things a bit of a head start.
My 2 Danios that I've been using to cycle a couple of tanks have been very hardy, but my ammonia or nitrite levels have never really peaked, either, since I've added so few fish at a time, and closely monitored the water levels and the fish behaviour. Even the hardiest fish will sometimes die, especially if they are exposed to great levels of ammonia or nitrite, or were weak to begin with. I don't think you can generalise a single incident as something that happens on a regular basis. You must have been unlucky, but many other people have found Danios hardy :).
I will tell you this story about a little Zebra Danio i once owned he lived inside of my fish tank with a long neck turtle for 3 months with out being eatten... He was name Sandman... :smb: one of the most inspirational things i have seen to avoid not being eatten but this story ends sadly so if you have a weak stomach then i suggest you turn away now.. one night when the lights were out, fate took its toll and the turtle swallowed him whole!! :sad: but the legend will always live on.

But back to your point about Zebra's they should be kept in soft, medium-hard water and preferably in a group.
That's a very sad story, :-( Wilsta, but it makes a very good point.

Nature will always have it's way. :nod: In the end, the turtle WILL eat the fish. :nod:

And in the same way, if you keep fish, the fish will eat, then produce waste which will turn to ammonia, etc. In the end the fish will die if the amount of toxic chemicals build up to where the bacteria in the water cannot consume them. It doesn't matter how hardy the fish are...they will die. This is nature; it's the way it is.

Where Mother Nature is concerned, we have to play the game by her rules. If we try to cheat, she will come along and knock us on our a**es every time! :nod:
hey all sorry about my late reply been kinda busy havin my kitchen and surrounding house ripped apart by the local council doing some 'improvements!'

inch, yeah mate got the tests done... everythings at 0, she didnt tell me the ph reading tho she just said it was fine, yeah i can trust her after all she helped me out today after i made a mistake i had two fliter/air pumps (combinde) when i only needed one wich was disruppting my whole tank, iv now got this fancy curtain of bubbles at the back of my tank (woohoo) she also gave me a discount on my fish and equipment (air prick wire thingy) because she said she was having problems with the fish , and didnt notice untill ppl kept ringin in about there fish goin belly up (yup thats right the danios) aparently, where she brought them from there been loads of deaths... this woman got major money to pay out to other ppl feel sorry for them realy :(

shes advised me to get some bogwood for my sucker and some bushy live plant type thing for my fighter, another thing wich i was told and became a witness to today was my plastic plant i had in my tank, it was roughly 8inch tall quit bushy and v broad my danios were gettin caught in it... other fish kept away this may or may not have added to my deaths as it was in from the start... so i totaly ripped all my plastic plants out and chucked in 7 live plants... (wich a couple of my fish think are food )

also she recons my tank is ok as it is... im addin small amounts of fish at a time... today i brought two balloon mollys so my levels will be low... she reckons im not as bad as some newbies who get a tank set it up and in the same day spend over 70 on fish dump em in an watch em die, i do listen even tho im impetient... shes banned me from buying any more fish for 7 days, lol she feels this way i will learn :) aint she nice... mind u she placed me on a ban from the start 2 fish per time... no more than 6 fish in the first week

another thing i found cool was she told me if i didnt trust her veiws was to have a second water test done by someone else in the trade... i explained what happened at the lasty shop and she told me to get in touch with trading standards and the rspca as he shouldnt be doin the stuff he was doin...

anyways iv spoke way too much.. my fish are all doin fine my remaining danios have now calmed down and are very much at home :)

Dawn xx
Hi Nightlife20 :)

I'm so glad to learn things are starting to work out for you with your fish! :thumbs:

And, I'm glad, too, that you've found a lfs that you can trust. That will be a great help to you in the long run. :nod:

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