zebra danios hardly moving

Thanks so much for your input. I think we figured out part of what's going on, I changed the filter the day before i started maracyn. I think that killed my bacteria and started my cycle again. I think the stuff growing on my plants may be fungus, but it could be algae, still haven't figured that out. But the fish were doing better when i started the maracyn.
So today I did a 40% water change and hubby changed the filter and cleaned it out and we added white diamond brand activated carbon and crystals to the filter. The Danios are already zipping around like there old selves, and the neons and guppy are swimming around too! :lol: Happy Fish again!! I think were going to treat the cottony white stuff on the plants as algae, we added mardel brand plant nutrients today to see if we can make them stronger, and possibly starve out the algae, or if i can complete this newly started cycle i will go buy me another algae eater! We also opened up the air line a little increasing flow of bubbles and the filter is working much better. I will check levels again later this afternoon.
Great, good luck.
RELIEF!!!!! today ammonia is 0, nitrites 0 nitrates 0-5. Pleco is still pooping up a storm! But have seen no more white poop, and fishies seem to be happier, swimming around and devoured the blood worm. I will check my readings again over the next few days, and then buy some algae eater to finish cleaning up this tank, any recomendations???
Thanks again everybody for all of your help!!

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