Zebra Danio


New Member
Apr 30, 2005
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I have a female zebra danio and she is pregnant. she is in a second tank and she is with her male. she has been in for the past 2 days.

Is there something wrong?

she is in with her male zebra danio.there are no eggs or fry in it.

what should i do? -_-
I am new at this. so thanks. :nod: i am waiting for her.

do you think i should put more male in with her?
Yep. Another male should simulate more of a natural environment and help them feel comfortable enough to breed.

Then just leave them be for a while. Some fish don't feel comfortable spawning with a lot of activity going on around them (e.g., their human peeking in at them every few minutes). Give them 24 hours or so...a dawn and a dusk period, at least, unhassled, to lay their eggs.
:cool: if i add another male, how would I know if she has given birth? :huh:
She'll be less fat.

Chances are though, that if you dont have marbles or so on the bottom for the eggs to fall inbetween, that you'll never see any eggs. Danios will simply eat their eggs right away.
FYI: she won't "give birth". she'll "lay eggs" or "spawn".

danios are notorious egg-eaters. if you can see the eggs, odds are good they can see the eggs. if they can see the eggs, odds are good they can eat the eggs.

put a cluster of marbles in the bottom for the eggs to fall between. that way the danios can't reach them. if your female danio suddenly looks a lot thinner, then you can reasonably assume she's laid. remove the parents; they'll eat any fry (baby fish).
She won't give birth. Danios can't give birth, they don't get pregnant. Danios lay eggs.

They are egg scatteres which means the female will just randomly release the eggs which will sink and lay in the substrate or wherever. If you take the time to do some research, you'll find that the parents will eat the eggs if left in with the fry. You'll see the eggs when they are laid and there should also be a noticeable difference in the female's size.

To protect the eggs from being eaten, you should put marbles on the bottom of the bare breeding tank. The eggs will fall in between and won't get munched on. Then you should take out the adults and wait for the fry to hatch. You then need to feed them small foods like baby brine shrimp or very finely powdered flake as they grow. Make sure you have a filter in the tank but one that won't suck up the fry. Sponge filters are best.

Do some more research. Search on google.com and visit the thread posted earlier. You'll notice The Wolf has a site about danios you might also be interested in. Good luck :)

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