Zebra Danio Male Lost Weight


New Member
Apr 2, 2011
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My male zebra danio has lost quite a bit of weight. He has developed a "neck" so the neck area is thinner and also behind the stomach. He eats normally and swims around with fins open, but he's lost weight and it's worrying. The only thing I see wrong is the weight loss. Today when I cleaned the tank, he swam around and watched what I was doing like he always does. He comes to the front of the tank as usual when I go see them. He doesn't hide or anything.

Almost a month ago we had a female zebra danio who died after our desperate fight to save her. She most likely died of tuberculosis and now I'm scared this could be another case. At that point we also treated the tank with Jungle's Parasite Clear and got rid of some blue green algae with Easy Life's Excital. There was a little bit of sea salt put in the tank during this illness, but most of it should be gone now after a few water changes. At the shop where I asked for advice from a lady who knew a lot about fish said that there's no point in cleaning and emptying the tank after TB, because most fish have the bacteria that causes TB anyway, but it only becomes bad in suitable conditions. So we did a normal tank clean and water change of 30%. Could it be that because of the algae treatment he hasn't eaten as much as normal. However, no one else had lost weight so I guess not.

Tank size: 140 L
pH: 7.4
ammonia: 0.10
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 15 (Easy Life's Excital or the parasite treatment got this from 0 to 15 - should improve with water changes)

Tank temperature: 26 degrees Celsius

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Normally once every 2 weeks, but during the last month, once a week. Usually about 30%.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: There's probably still a little bit of EasyLife's Excital in the tank, but as said I did a water change today. The last time I put it was a week ago.

Tank inhabitants: There are 6 fish in the tank: 2 Zebra Danios (2 boys), 2 Corydoras (both girls) and two Dwarf Otos (a boy and a girl). We were going to take a couple of female danios within a few days, but we'll now wait until we can be sure it's safe to take more.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Nothing added since Christmas (They got a new drain pipe ornament from Santa Claus.)

During the last month we've fed the fish with flakes and pellets. Every second morning instead of dry food they get frozen food: either bloodworm or white mosquito larvae. Their dinner is mini sized pellets and flakes in the evening. In addition we have always seaweed, zucchini or cucumber for the otos, who seem to really love them.

Could you please advise on what this could be.
Thank you.

Another photo.


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The little pal hasn't changed to better or worse. He's still swimming around and eating normally. The only thing is that he looks thin. If anyone has any ideas of this, I'd be very greatful. Thank you.

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