Zebra Danio Constipated? Doesn't Eat.


New Member
Apr 2, 2011
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Since last Saturday, 3 days ago, my zebra danio female hasn't been well. She doesn't eat and had problems staying upright so clearly some swim bladder related problems. She tilts 45 degrees and sometimes even 90 degrees sideways when swimming. Most of the time she sits in a plant and lets the plant support her upright. She also some of the time breathes a bit heavily and then has a break from it for a few seconds. No clamped fins. I fed them normally on Saturday morning and a few hours later she wasn't looking fine. I've put her in a 25 liter hospital tank and have not seen any poop and she looks a little bloated around the belly right in front of the anal fin. I don't see anything else wrong on her physically. We bought her and another female danio 4 weeks ago and they've been otherwise fine.

I started to give her Epsom salt baths on Saturday evening with 1 Tbsp per gallon of Epsom Salt. She was in the bath for 15 mins twice a day. On Sunday I put metronidazole in the tank 100mg for every 10 gallons. On Monday I added 2 teaspoons of Epsom salt in the tank and still gave her epsom salt baths. On Monday I added another teaspoon after a 25% water change and added a bit more metronidazole.

As the tank has Epsom salt in it, I didn't give her a bath today (Tuesday) to avoid extra stress. She seems more tired. Twice a day around their feeding time I've tried to offer some crush pea to her. I boiled it in water in the micro for 45 seconds, peeled it and squished the inner part and put some of it in the tank. I have not succeeded in getting her to eat it.

So she's been fasting 3 days with all the treatment above and no sign of poop or improvement. I'm getting very worried.

Main tank size: 140 L
Hospital tank: (60 L), but I only have about 25 L of water in there.
pH: 7.4
ammonia: 0.10
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 15

Tank temperature: 27 degrees Celsius

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Normally once a week about 30%.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Medications explained above, no others.

Main tank inhabitants: There are 7 fish in the tank: 3 Zebra Danios (1 boy and 2 girls), 2 Corydoras (both girls) and two Dwarf Otos (a boy and a girl). Of course this female danio is now in the hospital tank.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 2 female danios 4 weeks ago.

During the last month we've fed the fish with flakes and pellets. Every second morning instead of dry food they get frozen food: either bloodworm or white mosquito larvae. Their dinner is mini sized pellets and flakes in the evening. In addition we have always zucchini or cucumber for the otos, who seem to really love them.

Could you please advise on if there's anything more I can do or if I've misdiagnosed and it could be something else.

Thank you.
Little addition:

I've just watched the fish swim a little and every time she uses effort to swim, she swim sideways and upside down and just doesn't stay up. Then when she stops trying and just floats, she's tilted sideways about 45 degrees from the upright position. Does this sound familiar to anyone? She doesn't have a problem staying either on the top or on the bottom of the water. She also swims into the glass while panicking about the swim.

Thank you.
Hi; sorry not to have replied sooner, although I don't think I'm going to be much help anyway...

I'd forget about the Epsom salts; if that was going to improve things it probably would have done now.

I think I'd do a massive water change (maybe even 100%) to clear out the salt, raise the temperature a bit and continue with the metronidazole, but I do feel I should warn you it doesn't sound good.

Thank you for your reply.

I decided to do a 35% water change and not add Epsom salt. I also added a little more metronidazole. The temperature will go up within a few hours naturally as it seems the day's going to be nice and warm, but I'll keep it there. We got advice from elsewhere to give a gentle massage to her so my husband took her in his wet palm and very gently stroked her side for a short time, put her back in water and gave her a break and repeated once. I still have not seen any poop from her.

She was swimming a little today, not normally, but in her sideways way. What got me a bit worried was that at some point she was upside down in a plant.

Here are a few photos: I noticed her back has some discolouration as well, like splotches of lighter and darker patches 2-3mm in diameter as you can see in the last photo.




Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
I was given a danio like that a while back... it didn't turn out well. It swam around fine for awhile, but just got bigger and bigger. I moved it to a quarantine tank, and tried to treat it for parasites. It died 3 days later. :sad:

If I were you I would keep it isolated from the other fish, just to be safe.
it could be eggbound. i once had a female rosy barb like that. she would get very bloated looking, as if she were about to explode. but she was still swimming and eating normally. i raised the temperature and whatever inside her was excreted overnight. over time, she would get fat again and i'd have to 'treat' her again. this cycle continued a few times until i sold the fish.
Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I guess being egg bound could be a possibility. The tank temperature has been raised and we gave her a very gentle short massage to hopefully help that if that is the case. However, I somehow think it could be something else. It's not swim bladder disease. It's something else causing also swim bladder problems.

I have added some parasite medication yesterday with no improvement. I also put her in a hospital tank as soon as I noticed the problem.

Thank you.
I have had this happen when feeding bloodworm and the like to Danio's on two seperate occasions.
When I stopped feeding them with these types of food the problems stopped and no more Danio's got sick.
Howvever I lost the two that were affected though.
I have seen it on a few sites that Danio's disagree with live food of the frozen types or live.
Giving them this type of food so often is asking for trouble going on my past experiences.

As Eaglesaquarium has said it could also be internal parasites but my money is on the live food.

Anyway hope it works out ok for the Danio.
I have had this happen when feeding bloodworm and the like to Danio's on two seperate occasions.
When I stopped feeding them with these types of food the problems stopped and no more Danio's got sick.
Howvever I lost the two that were affected though.
I have seen it on a few sites that Danio's disagree with live food of the frozen types or live.
Giving them this type of food so often is asking for trouble going on my past experiences.

As Eaglesaquarium has said it could also be internal parasites but my money is on the live food.

Anyway hope it works out ok for the Danio.

Is there any further info on the intolerance of bloodworm etc? I was recommended dried bloodworm once a night in my community tank by an aquarium shop owner, and after about two weeks lost one, when it lost the ability to swim overnight, and now a second once has bloated to the point underneath it is pink and looks like its about to split open!

Thank you for your reply. I have reduced giving bloodworms to the fish as they don't always seem to bring healthy results.

Sadly the fish had gone in such a bad shape that we had to euthanize her. I didn't see much chances for survival anymore even with the right medication.

Thank you for support here!
Is there any further info on the intolerance of bloodworm etc? I was recommended dried bloodworm once a night in my community tank by an aquarium shop owner, and after about two weeks lost one, when it lost the ability to swim overnight, and now a second once has bloated to the point underneath it is pink and looks like its about to split open!

If you google bloodworm causing constipation it will throw up loads of results from various places all pointing to blood worm being too fatty and causing constipation.
I only found out the hard way myself and would never have dreamed it could cause so many issues.


Thank you for your reply. I have reduced giving bloodworms to the fish as they don't always seem to bring healthy results.

Sadly the fish had gone in such a bad shape that we had to euthanize her. I didn't see much chances for survival anymore even with the right medication.

Thank you for support here!

No problem we are all here to help :) and after all this is the best Tropical Forum on the net.
Thats a shame about the Danio.
Unfortunatley it seems to be a problem they really struggle to come back from.

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