Yoyo's Ok With These Fish?


Oct 26, 2006
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Fishers, Indiana
Hi all,
Thinking of getting some YoYo loaches. Just wondering if they will be okay with the Pictus catfish and bala sharks... Any ideas or thoughts will be appreciated. Thanks in advance! :D
My Yo-yo loaches are VERY active and I wouldn't really say aggressive, but they like to play rough with each other and will even chase around some of my other fish. I don't know how they would feel about sharing the bottom of the tank with Pictus Cats, or vice versa. I'd probably get a couple more Pictus Cats, they like to be in groups of 3 or 4 anyway. I really love the Spotted Pictus's, they're awesome, too bad my Tiger Barbs killed 3 of them right after I got em a while back! :angry:
Your barbs did? Wow. That's interesting. I wasn't sure about sharing the bottom either. Although it is fairly large... 4 Feet long. My problem is I just enjoy the bottom fish too much!! But, I also heard that yoyo's were middle swimmers as well.... is that untrue??
Thanks for your help! sorry about your Pictus!
Yeah the Pictus cats were pretty small so I guess they were defenseless, I caught the tigers nipping at them and was apparently too late when I took them out. I put them in my other tank but they never recovered. The YoYos actually chase the Tigers around around now!

They will swim around all over of the tank from time to time but mainly stay at the bottom. I wouldn't consider them a middle swimmer though.
Well Dazed -
I went ahead and got 4 YoYo's last night :blink: Hopefully it works out, but how could I resist when they were buy 1 get 1 free!?!? We got 4 for $16.
They seem to be doing ok w/the Pictus - as I said its a 4 foot tank with several caves and bogwood. Ive been keeping a close eye on them and they seem to be settling in well and the pictus aren't bothering them too much!! :good:
I have a yoyo loach and within a year he reached full size. he is a freaking cow i swear. He shares the tank with a synodontis, Clown loaches and a zebra botia and a queen botia. They do rough house sometimes.
In my experience in keeping yoyo's (I had some for over 6 months...) they are much better in groups of 3 or more in lesser groups they can be prone to getting bored and attacking and harrasing other fish...
In my experience in keeping yoyo's (I had some for over 6 months...) they are much better in groups of 3 or more in lesser groups they can be prone to getting bored and attacking and harrasing other fish...

I had two when they were like less than an inch and I put them in this girls tank, who I was dating at the time and we broke up and then like a year later she got a hold of me because she was taking down the tank because she was moving. One loach was nearly full grown and the other didn't even grow, there was something wrong with it because it died weeks later. It never did swim right . I have been thinking about parting ways with my yoyo loach because I want more room for my other loaches.

Ive got 4, but they are never all out at the same time! I hardly ever see them interact with each other, but they do seem to like the corys! :blink:
Ive got 4, but they are never all out at the same time! I hardly ever see them interact with each other, but they do seem to like the corys! :blink:

Keep any eye on those YoYo's and cories. YoYo loaches can be very aggressive and might attack those cories if they get in the way, especially if its over food.
i keep a close eye on all my fish as im bottom feeder heave - damn those cute bottom feeders!! so far no problems, of course, right now the yoyos are smaller than the cory's so the problem may occur once they grow a bit. thanks for the info.

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