YoYos Not eating snails.


Fish Addict
Dec 17, 2004
Reaction score
Holmsund, Sweden
I bought three Yoyos two weeks ago after looking here for advice on snail control to fit in my tank. The Yoyos have not given any result yet. I have tried to help them get a taste by crushing a few(six times now) snails and dumping them back and the Yoyos eat them up with gusto.(If they can get to them before the Swords!) However the snail population is still high. I tried starving the whole tank for 40 hours and they still ate less snails then the Swords. Any Ideas? I love the Yoyos playfulness and think they are among my favorite fish but I bought them to eat snails in a 30 US gal tank.
the ones that are bugging me are mini ramshorns, I hand pick any trumpet snails and crush them for the fish to snack on. I only find one a day or so but the rams are so little that it is hard to pluck them. That is why I bought the Yoyos.
I'd give if a bit more time and see if it gets better in a couple more weeks. It could be that your yoyos are still settling in. :D
I once had 3 large yo-yo's (only 1 now due to a past outbreak of ICH)...and they didn't seem to eat any snails at all,so I had to resort to chemical treatment.Perhaps I was giving them too many pleco tablets,they love those.

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