yoyo what???


New Member
Mar 15, 2005
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Near chicago illinois usa
ive looked high and low for a yoyo loach? looking for a smaller loach to add to a community tank and someone recommended a yoyo. I really like the clown but gets a little big for my liking. Would like to see what a yoyo lokked like though. :/ :D
I have 3 yoyo loaches, great personality, and get to about 5" maximum. Only thing as with all loaches, bad idea to mix them with any fish with long flowing fish as they are very curious fish and tend to have a nip if the fins are long enough.

Oh and by the way, LOACHES ARE'NT CATFISH!, so this is the wrong forum to be asking about them....


Whilst the information you offered was correct in detail and in concept, you did not need to be condescending. :grr:
I have 8 yoyos they can rach 8" not 5 as bunjiweb has stated(sorry bunji)

here is a pic of one of mine who is currently 6"
Don't mean to sound disagreeable, The_Wolf, but are you certain that's a yo-yo? Their markings get less distinctive as they age, but I've never seen one with markings that muddled. How long have you had that one?

I had it identified by some people on a loach forum, (I suppose they could be wrong) I have only had them for about 6 months as they came with a tank I got free.

I guess what I'm saying is I'm 99% sure they are, but that still leaves 1% that they are not :dunno:
I had a yoyo reach 6.25 before, he was giant! I cant imagine 8!

I got him off my brother in law who had never looked after his tanks, and he was nearly 5 inchees then, once I put him in my 55 gallon and actually fed him he got huge!
Try for orange finned loaches, they stay small. If not try loaches.com, and look up smaller laoches and start looking.
Dwarf chain loaches, or just plain chain loaches, only get to be about 2-4 inches or so. they also are a bit more outgoing than many loaches and swim lower to mid-level.

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