Yoyo Loaches


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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I Got Couple of Yoyo Loaches about 5 Weeks Ago.
They have been Doing great alongside the Clown Loaches in Keeping the Malaysian Trumpet Population Down.
I have a Problem Though, they are starting to swim up to the other fish and nibble on their fins.

I saw the Smallest one Go up to 1 of the Angels and start to nibble the Dorsal Fin.

Anyone else have this experience - Most Places say they are Very Good Community Fish.
yes they are god community fish, provided there are no long finned fish in with them.
That means your angels or the loaches will have to go.
The-Wolf said:
yes they are god community fish, provided there are no long finned fish in with them.
That means your angels or the loaches will have to go.
Exaclty, that or get a larger tank, usually if they are in a large tank they won't bother eachother.
Ok, I guess they Are Gone.

Now the Fun Part in Catching them, They are only 1.5 Inches.

Soda Pop Bottle Trap will have to be Used.

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