Fish Crazy
hi i got some yoyo loaches a few weekes ago and only found out today that they are yoyo loaches i was told they were zebra loaches . does anyoe have any 1st hand experience of these
hi we've kept yoyos for over 6yrs. great fish they are social creatures so 3 should be the minimum kept ( although we have 2 due to poor advice/no space ) they can grow quite big ours at 6 yrs old are approx 5inches long & around an inch girth. they grow quickly at first and then it seems to slow down a lot. they are best in sand but fine in fine gravel. they love lots of hidey holes ( caves,pipes etc) to hang out in & you'll will often see thm loafing around on their sides ( lying down) quite normal. they will eat anything but love stuff like mosquito larvae,bloodworm, ( we buy the frozen blister cube things)brine shrimp, tubifex cubes, algae & catfish tablets. they are not really suitable for slow moving fish as they may annoy them as they (yoyos) are very boisterous at times ( see my sig for who lives with ours) make sure filter inlets/outlets are covered when they are small as they will squeeze into any crevice which unfortunately can be fatal ( we lost a yoyo this way years ago) they also can jump so ensure your tank is covered. whenyoung they will often spend hours swimming up & down in a corner of the tank esp at night but as they get older this seems to settle down. as with any loaches they do not tolerate salt in the water and are also very sensitive to a lot of meds, many meds you will need to use half a dose always check instructions. ( they are scaleless fish). they tend to be cream with dark markings when young as they mature they become a more greysih colour and the markings dont stand out quite as much. any other q's please post & i'll try to answer.