Your Top Ten Of All Time

This is in my imaginary world where I can have any size tank I want and everything is legal for me to own, but you get the picture:

1 ) Betta albimarginata -- I looove bettas, and the wild species are more appealing to me than domestic B. splendens. Albimarginata are like tiny snakeheads and have tons of personality and great interactive behaviours that are an absolute joy to watch... not to mention being stunning in a very natural way.

2 ) Channa micropeltes (red/giant snakehead) -- Any snakehead would do, really, but this would be the prefered species. Too bad they'll illegal to own in the states, they look like such amazing fish... <enter sigh of longing here>

3 ) Lepisosteus platostomus (shortnose gar) -- Because gars are totally awesome.

4 ) Ctenopoma acutirostre (leopard bushfish) -- I adore anabantoids, and I particularly love my little leopard. He's just a very appealing shape to me, and I love his spots and nature. Very nifty little fish.

5 ) Amphilophus citrinellus (midas cichlid) -- Gotta have that all important large aggressive cichlid. Preferably one of the ones that's mostly white with orange spots.

6 ) Altolamprologus calvus (calvus cichlid) -- Never had one, but boy do I want one.

7 ) Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri (saddled/tiger bichir) -- My senegal bichir is awesome, so this couldn't help but be even better.

8 ) Betta splendens -- What can I say, I'm obsessed with bettas. These will always be an interesting little breeding project; particularly plakats. I'm allowed one common species altered way beyond its wild roots, right? :p

9 ) Betta simplex -- Same as with the albimarginata, only I don't actually own these.... yet! :shifty:

10 ) Parosphromenus deissneri (licorice gourami) -- Another small colourful anabantoid, what a surprise.

I'm a monster keeper on a 10 gallon budget :(
1. Giant gourami (tie) full grown lungfish
2. wild full grown oscar(wondeful black and white coloration)
3. Royal clown knife
4. S. Compressus (piranha)
5. red tailed, red eyed male puffer
6. Ruby scat
7. Lion fish
8. Arapaima Gigas
9. Ropefish
10. Dog-face puffer
1)Oscar, would, because of the personality, color.
2)Silver Arowana, because of shape, size.
3)Kissing Gourami because of the kissing action
4)Giant Gourami because it's unusual, big.
5)Discus it's got size, color, personality and it's so cool.
6)Teacup Ray it's a ray it's freshwater and it's small
7)Clown Loach because it's the most playful fish ever
8)Hatchetfish because it's unusual and intresting
9)Red Devil because it's got a cool name it's ful of caracter and full on agressivnes
10)Red Belied Piranha it's ful of caracter, looks menecing, and has a powerful bite.

That's mine with description.
Oh jeez, only 10 fish for the rest of my life? This is rough...

1. Oscar
2. Betta
3. Tiger barb
4. Silver dollar
5. Red tailed catfish
6. Black ghost knife
7. Cories
8. Any earth eater
9. Dwarf peacock cichlid
10. Royal pleco

That was too hard... I was forced to leave out so many good fish! Curses!
  1. clown loach just because they are so funny to watch and give you a heart attack when they sleep
  2. Bettas - great fish, personality, style and grace and kick ass
  3. guppies - the colours are beautiful and i can never seem to get hold of any
  4. channa micropeltes(red snakehead) beast of a fish
  5. polka-dot grouper - what a stunning fish
  6. cowfish - very cute and can be easily tamed to hand feed
  7. panda cories
  8. bn catfish
if i could only keep ten kinds of fish for the rest of my life they would be.................

oscar:never had them befor but heard they have great personalities and would love to keep 2 in the future.
platys (livebearers):great begginer fish and a lot of fun and very colourful.
bettas:getting 1 soon and too very colourful.
cardinals:very nice fish and look great in a big numbers.(hopefully 30 or more in my dream tank)
corys:can be kept in nearly any tank and very peaceful.
tiger barbs:always liked them and hopefully have them in the future
kuli loaches:great fun,and i fing them a bit wierd.

actually i cant think of any more so i surpose these 7 types of fish i keep or would love to keep in the future. :D
Here are mine:

Enchelycore paradalis - Dragon Moray eel - what a beauty love all morays, but can't beat the teeth and the colours of this one - though marine, a king among fish.

Gymnothora Afer, Gymnothorax Polyorandon, Echidna Rhodochilus, Gymnothorax Tile - brackish morays love them all, can't get enough of them, they are interesting, aggressive predators that can often be taught to hand feed. :wub:

Malapterus Microstoma - Dwarf Electric Catfish - reasons are the same as cfc's, I wasn't overly impressed when he brought home a swimming poo that gives electric shocks, but what a character, fun, intelligent and very noisy totally converted me into a electric catfish lover.

Rhinomuraena Quaesita - Ribbon Eel - The male is a stunning blue, if you drew "the most beatiful" eel you could imagine I doubt you could come up with something half so stunning.

Phractocephalus Hemilioplerus - Red tailed Catfish - big, interesting, attractive and a must have for an indoor pond.

Hexanematichthys Seemanni - shark cat - lovely brackish fish, look great in a decent size shoal.

Tetraodon mbu - mbu puffer - as an individual pet I think the only thing that can beat a mbu is the dwarf electric catfish.
1) Marbled goby: big fat and lazy with a face only a mother could love yet when it's feeding time the strike is so quick and on target it's amazing.

2) Violet goby: Those tails wag so cute when they smell food...

3) Senegal bichir: Smart enough to know the difference betwee me coming to the tank and me with food

4) bumblebee goby: tiny little cuties

5) electric blue cichlid: I love blue...and they are such aggressive hunters.

6) clown knife: The shape the color and the spots...

7) arowana: looks mostly I would like an Asian but since I'm in the US a silver will have to do.

8 ) striped kuhli loach: looks and some personality

9) Weather loach: I've always had these and always enjoyed them.

10) koi...a nice show quality asagi would be nice

but I need a tank of guppies to feed most of the list ;)
In no particular order

1. Macrognathus aculeatus - Peacock spiney eels: I love these guys and am never without a few hanging around the house.

2. Hippocampus Whitei - Sydney Harbor seahorse: One of my two favourite species of seahorse.

3. Hippocampus Breviceps - Short snouted seahorse: These are also one of my two most favourite seahorses.

4. Notesthes Robusta - Bullrout: A member of the Scorpaenidae family and thus related to stonefish, etc. They look mean, they give a nasty sting and would be great for a laugh if you were to threaten annoying kids with dunking them headfirst into the tank :lol:

5. Scleropages jardini - Pearl arrowana: Pretty much for the reasons CFC gave. They are a true testiment to Australian fish.

6. Echidna nebulosa - Snowflake eel: One of my favourite eels, great little characters with nice colouring and shape.

7. Neoceratodus forsteri - Australian lungfish: These guys are pretty much a living fossil, extremely tough, long lived (around 100 years - very much a friend for life) and rare. They are also worth a fortune, a breeding pair of these babies could make me a millionaire :lol: In all seriousness though, they are a beautiful fish that is able to come out of water for extended periods and grow very accustomed to petting, etc (even while out of water).

8. Lamprologus Ocellatus - Occelated lamprologus: These guys come in a number of colour variants but the black variety is the one I'd most want to keep, they are extremely rare over here and I only know of a handful of breeders owning them (thus the waiting list is very long). These guys are a type of small African shelldwelling cichlid that are interesting to watch, have great personality and enough agression to put most larger cichlids to shame. They will attack fish many times their own size and don't even shy from nipping hands that come too close to their shells (by too close I mean anywhere in the tank :lol: ).

9. Thaumoctopus Mimicus - Mimic octopus: It's hard to pick just one species of octopus as they are so varied in their looks, behaviours, etc. This one would most likely be top of my list though because they are so beautiful and have the ability to mimic other animals such as sole, lionfish, seasnakes and stingrays (hence their name). It is also the only known animal in the world to immitate multiple species.

10. Sepia Bandensis - Dwarf cuttlefish: This is another hard one to narrow down. I would love to add the vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) to this list however it's not really practical due to it being a deep sea species (size-wise it is a good candidate for an aquarium species though) so this is a good compromise. I like cuttles and squid as much as I like octopi so these last two have been a real pain to choose. These guys are colourful, attractive and small enough to keep without having to buy a big tank. They also breed in the home aquarium.

There are alot of fish which didn't make this list but weren't far behind and it was quite hard only picking ten, but these ten give a broad sort of range of alot of types of fish that I like. As you can see, alot of fish (I know, there are things here that are not fish, they live in water - mostly - so it's close enough :p ) I like are oddballs in the most extreme sense of the word and there are plenty of candidates out there, hopefully next time CFC will make a top fifty instead of top ten and create alot less humming and harring for me :lol:

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