Your Pictures Are Needed


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
for the following fish
Silvertip tetra Hasemania nana
Cochu's blue tetra Boehlkea fredcochui
Roberti tetra Moenkhausia robertsi Done
Gold tetra Hemigrammus rodwayi
Redeye tetra Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae

Pearly rasbora Rasbora vaterifloris
Dwarf rasbora Boraras maculatus
Bridgettes' rasbora Boraras brigittae

The reason
I own, or have owned, these fish and can't get a decent picture
of them. I am going to do profiles for them for the fish index and need
the pictures for that.
So your picture(if stunning enough) will be used for for the profile(s)
with the appropriate thanks.

It is assumed that any pics posted here can be used for the profiles,
if you don't want the pic(s) to be used then don't post it/them.
Please do not post pics of fish that are not yours.
Sorry Wolf, haven't got any of those, but I'm getting some of the Tinfoilus in next week if you want me to try to get some pictures of those :p
If you can't get any try doing a Google for pics and asking the original owner of the material can you use them, Sometimes they can be a bit cantankerous about people using their material but usually if it's not for commercial gain they generally say it's oK but you have to get permission first, preferably by email.
This is what I have been doing for my site.
That's plan B, bigC
I just thought it would be more appropriate to use members pics.
I would have written many profiles if I had pictures. The rules of the Fish Index clearly state that the photograph must be your own, or that of a member of the forum, with permission.

I will raise this on the mod board, but at this time, I would not suggest using pictures from sources off the board.

I agree, many people will gladly have their images used with accreditation - but I feel this permission should be held by the site owner.

If "person A" says I have used "person B"'s picture, but I have e-mail permission so to do, and later, it all goes pear shaped, then who is right? There is precedence from the current membership for issues of exactly this type.
com on guys
please post your pics B)
Im still trying to get a clear picture of my Redeye tetras, The little sods are a nightmare to get a good shot of. :S :S
no preference
i can resize with no problem
I would prefer jpegs as they are easier to work with
I dont know if you still need a picture of a red eyed tetra but heres one I got last night

Cannot contribute any of these, but perhaps you are interested in Brilliant Rasbora (Rasbora einthovenii) too?

There seems to be no profile now; I own a few so I can provide pics and a brief profile.
Is it not possible to simply link to a picture/pictures off the board?
Wolf, don't forget to credit the photo owner in the profile in some way as well. Good to see some more profiles being generated, keep it up. :thumbs:

The main reason you can't just go and get any old pic off the internet, the main reason we ask that you use your own or that of someone on this board who has given you permission, is so that we don't violate any copyrights anyone might have on a picture or website content.

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