Your Fish

Tiny fish with sucking mouths? Could we get pics?
To name a few, I keep plecs of different species, giant African fan shrimp, clown loaches, cardinal and rummynose tetras, and some others.
Oh those "tiny fish with sucking mouths" are long gone now. I mean dead.
Oh lol. It really is good to know the species of every fish you have, for future reference. From the description I'm assuming otocinclus or other small loricariid, could be wrong though since it's a bit vague.
Won't list all of the fish that I have own, cuz too much to list, but I will list the fish that I currently own.

Fish that I currently own:
-Betta channoides
-Betta gladiator
-Betta raja
-Betta rubra
-Aphyosemion pyrophore
-Aphyosemion australe
-Aphyosemion splendopleure
-Aphyosemion christyi
-Pterophyllum leopoldi
-Dicrossus filamentosus

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