Your First Fish


What works for one may not work for another!
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Just out of curiosity after you have successfully cycled your tank what was the first fish you introduced into your new aquarium.

Mine were 5 Neon Tetras
I actually cycled with fish (wouldnt do that again), 2 guppies :) both survived quite happily thanks to this place.
Um... mollys I think. I also did a fish-in cycle the first time with quite a few fish. Before I got my head around things.
The First Fish I Added Were My Angel And 4 Danios (didnt know about fishless cycling) Which Thankfully Are Still With Me, Back In Janruary.
I placed in a cory cat, 4 glo-light tetras, aquatic frog and a bamboo shrimp.

The shirmp, frog, and one of the tetras have died, though, over time. Unfortunate. ):
i put in neon tetras after a week as advised my lfs at this point i knew nothing! :crazy:

after cycled my first fish to keep was kilifish and i bred this as well before i got anything else. not usually a beginners fish i know but i managed to do it lol

i put in neon tetras after a week as advised my lfs at this point i knew nothing! :crazy:

after cycled my first fish to keep was kilifish and i bred this as well before i got anything else. not usually a beginners fish i know but i managed to do it lol
Mollies, and i unfortunately cycled the tank with them :(
4 platy's and 6 albino cories, cycled the tank with them, lost a fair few. :no:
Jeesh my first fish.... 3 neon tetras, started the tank cycle with them. Even with some mature media i lost 1 in the first week. Then i went back to the LFS and they said to get 4 more to make a shoal of 6... lost 2 more that week, then the next week i got 4 guppies and lost 1 that week. Thought something was wrong, so i went to a different LFS, was a bit embarrased about killing my fish so i asked for what sort of fish i could add to my tank, grabbed pentazora barbs (5 of) 4 died in 1 week then i found you amazing people!

Thank god for this site :p
5 white cloud mountain minnows, and sadly I to cycled my tank with them *hangs head in shame* :sad: Still got them all though over a year later :D
Hehe, least im not the only one around here who had to go through the agro of a fish-in cycle :p Least we know now.
2 fancy goldfish in a small tank with no filter.

oh how we live and learn!

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