Your Favourite Fish?!

Fishblast they sound awesome! The hoplo's both sounds pretty fun!
I just hope some day I can get a nice betta too(and I mean NICE), if it ever were to live in a community tank. I don't want to repeat the "Betta wolf pack" incident where they teamed up and killed my danios and damaged my guppies.

But I'd much rather keep one in that spare 23L tank, just that mom doesn't want it in the house right now... she put her vase on the old tank's stand. -.- If I ever get a betta, it would be awesome to be a halfmoon or crowntail (only if kept separate).

Betta wolfpack?! How many were there lol? Aw is love a betta again too. They were the reason I got into fish keeping. I had a red betta named Bruce on my 25l for months, then one day the shrimp had eaten him when I got home from work! Still no idea why he died :( when I got my new tank I sold my little one to a family friend who has always wanted neon for her 8 year old ;) if I had somewhere to keep it tho I would-be loved to have kept it for a betta :( just can't really take over the family home with my hobby either lol.
Fishblast they sound awesome! The hoplo's both sounds pretty fun!
I just hope some day I can get a nice betta too(and I mean NICE), if it ever were to live in a community tank. I don't want to repeat the "Betta wolf pack" incident where they teamed up and killed my danios and damaged my guppies.

But I'd much rather keep one in that spare 23L tank, just that mom doesn't want it in the house right now... she put her vase on the old tank's stand. -.- If I ever get a betta, it would be awesome to be a halfmoon or crowntail (only if kept separate).

Betta wolfpack?! How many were there lol? Aw is love a betta again too. They were the reason I got into fish keeping. I had a red betta named Bruce on my 25l for months, then one day the shrimp had eaten him when I got home from work! Still no idea why he died :( when I got my new tank I sold my little one to a family friend who has always wanted neon for her 8 year old ;) if I had somewhere to keep it tho I would-be loved to have kept it for a betta :( just can't really take over the family home with my hobby either lol.
Four, 2 males, 2 females.
My friend gave those to me, along with everything else in the 40L tank.
The bettas formed this little pack by working together and bringing down my Zebras to eat their eyes, nipping the tails off my guppies and grabbing them by the heads... they even ganged up on an orange swordie (which was what helped me catch the culprits responsible for the mangling of my danios, it was all a mystery until then).

Then I separated them in a 25L bowl. No fights, just rare flaring between a female and a male, or sometimes males showing off and hitting with the tails at first, but then they were calm and acted as if they were all a swarm mind. When it was feeding time, all four would gather to get bloodworms or blackworms.
I suspect some pellets to have killed a pair of them though, as they ended up bloated the very first day I fed them that stuff.

The remaining pair spawned once around this filter or air stone ( air sponge?) that I had in their bowl, it was circular shaped and did some water circulation there.
The male made a bubble nest and spawned with the female, but the eggs never hatched so I threw them away about one week later :(
Also, I still held a grudge against those bettas for all the massacre they did in my main tank, although nobody told me how those were supposed to be kept and I had no internet, I was only 7. -.- So due to that grudge, I neglected them in a way that cost their lives: I forgot to cool down the water for the water change (used to boil it back then because that's what mom said I should do). -.- I ended up with bettas flipping to their side and then floating in the bowl. And that was the end of them.
ive not kept a lot of fish as i have not been in the hobby very long (about 6 months ish) but i've kept platys, an arulius barb a bristlenose plec and at the moment i have a betta and a shoal of T.espei

although i've always always always wantedt to keep dwarf cichlids, just because theyre so colourful and cute when their little and they seem as though they would be great fun to keep, ahh maybe one day. but i want them now!! ahaa :)
Woah that's pretty crazy! I can't believe you managed to keep 2 males together for as long as you did :p
Their period together: 1 year or so. Until those pellets and that hot water incident. Would probably still have that veiltail pair by now if I weren't so mad at them then -.-

First pair that died were the dark-blue+purple male and the reddish female.
Second pair that died (hot water incident) were the green male and purple female.

I've found some pics of fish that look like them.
These two look almost like my males:


And these look like my females:

Definitely look silly now...I've never see one of those before :/ like it though :p
Aw Ky you should get rams! Really miss my pair (my profile pic), they just seem to be incompatible with my tank :( maybe on a year or so if o decide to change from my current stock of livebearers ;)
FB they look pretty nice! Such a shame you lost yours :/

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