Your Favorite Schooling Tetra?

Cardinal tetra, black neon tetra, glow light tetras.

imagine those with a school of roselines :drool:
Gold tetras are beautiful in schools. They don't school as tightly as others, but they definitely hang out together. 4 or more make an awesome display. They're so shiny :D
rummy nose tetras beautiful little fish with personality!!!!!!
we used to have red eyes a few years ago & although gorgeous they didnt shoal together hardly ever & 2 of ours were quite big ( 2 1/4 inches) i did like them though they used to make me think of barrage balloons/little blimps, theyd hover down the bottom of the tank all day in the plants in their own little 'patch' & then as soon as the lights went off they'd all pop up to the top of the tank to rest, always made me smile :D

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