Fish Fanatic
I have a friend with a 75 gallon aquarium that isn't being used that I'm thinking about offering to buy from him. I was considering what cool oddball fish I could put in it. Here's what I came up with:
1 small school of Boesemani rainbows.
1 African Butterfly Fish ( Pantodon buchholzi.).
1 Leopard / African Climbing Perch (Ctenopoma acutirostre) - from an existing tank
1 freshwater Archer (Toxotes microlepis)
1 High Back / Marbled Headstander (Abramites hypselonotus)
1 Chinese Hillstream / Butterfly Loach (Beaufortia kweichowensis)
1 Demonfish / Earth Eater cichlid (Satanoperca Leucosticta)
1 Upside down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) - from an existing tank
Several red claw crabs
Several Mystery or other suitable snails
Hardy freshwater shrimp (not sure, these might end up as breakfast).
Appropriate live plants
I'd basically setup a river bank type tank with a combination of small smooth stones and some sandy substrate for the Loach and the Earth Eater. I'd also leave at least a 10" gap at the top of the tank to allow for jumping by the archer and butterfly. I'd also want to setup a shelf section for the crabs to come out of water.
So what would *you* set up if given the opportunity. I know for some, you've already set up your dream oddball tank. Please share with the rest of us!
1 small school of Boesemani rainbows.
1 African Butterfly Fish ( Pantodon buchholzi.).
1 Leopard / African Climbing Perch (Ctenopoma acutirostre) - from an existing tank
1 freshwater Archer (Toxotes microlepis)
1 High Back / Marbled Headstander (Abramites hypselonotus)
1 Chinese Hillstream / Butterfly Loach (Beaufortia kweichowensis)
1 Demonfish / Earth Eater cichlid (Satanoperca Leucosticta)
1 Upside down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) - from an existing tank
Several red claw crabs
Several Mystery or other suitable snails
Hardy freshwater shrimp (not sure, these might end up as breakfast).
Appropriate live plants
I'd basically setup a river bank type tank with a combination of small smooth stones and some sandy substrate for the Loach and the Earth Eater. I'd also leave at least a 10" gap at the top of the tank to allow for jumping by the archer and butterfly. I'd also want to setup a shelf section for the crabs to come out of water.
So what would *you* set up if given the opportunity. I know for some, you've already set up your dream oddball tank. Please share with the rest of us!