Your bettas weirdest/cutest habit


Bettas are better!
Dec 27, 2004
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I don't know about you guys, but when I sit down at dinner and start talking about how the fish were acting when I fed them, I get very weird looks from my family. So it's good to come here and ramble about my little finned babies. :p

Anyway, I just got back from the LFS and after watching neons and such swim back and forth for 45 minutes I've really come to appreciate how much personality my bettas have. :wub:

I have noticed that when Jeremiah comes to grab his food, he actually sticks his head a bit above the water level. It's not that he lunges and his head is pushed out of the water: he seems to do it on purpose. When he does it, it looks like a red dolphin poking his head out of the water. :p He does it slowly... kind of circling under the pellets then poking out the tip of his nose (about this much: _) It's really cute. :wub:

And Pearl opens her mouth a lot. You might be like, 'Wow.. her fish opens it's mouth. How great.' But every few minutes she has spurts where she constantly does the typical goldfish thing and opens her mouth every two or three seconds. It looks very cute, like she's talking. And she has a deformed lip (I think she was born with it) which makes it even cuter when she does it. :)

So what makes your betta sweet and unique?
My new girl (who has not been here long enough for me to notice much :D ) seems to like this one tiny (an inch long) peice of red slate I have oat the bottom of her tank, holding a plant down. She hides behind it, which is funny because they is longer than it :p There is PLENTY of better things to hide behind... A pile of rocks, java moss, other plants I'm not sure what they are called... ^_^

My boy Berry FLARES at his food, as if it were about to bite back! It's just betta bites and frozen bloodworms... :D
I know what you know the term "Crazy Cat Lady?" People look at me like I'm mad in the head or something when I talk about my fish! All I get is "you're crazy, you don't need any more fish, blah, blah, blah". I reply with it's not a need, it's a want and if I want to spend my money on my fish then that's my business. Then I always throw in that it could be worse, I could be a crackhead spending all my money on dope instead of fish and they usually shut right up! :p
My newest one, Malachi cracks me up. He flare at EVERYTHING!!! He's a little Crowntail and when he flares at me, his fins on top (not sure of the right name) look like a little Mohawk! :wub: Then there's Shazaam (my favorite..sshhh don't tell the others) He does his little happy dance when I go up to his tank and then hovers mid water and STARES at me as if to say "Mommy feeeeeeed me noooowwww!! What a little beggar! But I love them all because each one is different and unique in their own way!
(here's Malachi...pitying the fool!)
Ummm... maybe I am crazy? -_-
mine swims like a shark. jus sticks hes mo hawk fin out of the water about ---- that much an when i go to feed him or put my hand to the top an lift the little feeding hole he swims straight to the nearest oto or albino cory an nips it an swims up an does the shark thing, and he litterally attacks his food :D sooo much personality...wait...not personality...bettality :D
My fish Ohglie likes to take his sinking biogold pellets and put them in his bubble nest and tries to raise biogold babies :) hehe so cute.... :wub:
lol :D mine i jus took out of the 10gal. but he was raising some oto babys. seriouslY! my otos had fry an he put about 10 of them in a nest an took care of them for acouple days but i took him out so they could eat an stuff. im going to give the oto fry to the lps maybe tomarrow so my betta doesnt have to stay in that one gal...i hope he doesnt get depressed an sad. i meen these babys have been his LIFE for the past few days. he doesnt do anything but stay under the bubble nest.
Aaaaw we have such cute little bettas. :wub: Hehe, now I know I'm not mad for noticing little random little habits like these. :p
lol my gf thought i was nuts untill i gave her one of my bettas. now she pays more attention to it then anything else...even me :blink: but oh well atleast she understands now...she named him "Flooofie"(3 o's :p)
Naughty, Malachi is super hottt! I want a Betta with a mohawk :sly: no fair. His tank is awesome too, where'd you get that skull?! *steals*

meh. Maui's most annoying habbit is swimming around like an idiot until his tail tears -.- hehe... whenever he sees me, he swims up and down and does an insane wiggle-butt dance. If I put my pinky into the Aquaview feeder, he jumps up and bites it (and it HURTS!). He also flares at my dog ~_~.. Maui is by far my quirkiest Betta!
He sounds sweet splashluff. :) Yeah, they flare at the weirdest things... I had to move a photo of my dogs away from Jerry's tank last week because he started flaring at the evil little spaniels. :rolleyes: The photo has been there since before I bought him... apparently he only just noticed it. :p

Alix, Flooofie is a cute name! :D
hehe my little white boy Shimmy does that little but dance too (hence the name shimmy haha) Isnt it irresistable?!
I love how Yura flares at the tip of my finger whenever I point at him :wub: ... and how Abrid flares at anything, everything, and nothing at all :|
my one vt boy chews up his betta bites and squirts about 50% of it out his gills, really screws up the water, kind of a hassle, but hes so freaking cool, cant be mad :D
Ula gets excited when I'm about to feed and he jumps up and down out of the water and won't stop until I stick the food down there. :fish:

Carp opens his mouth really wide and snaps it shut randomly. :D

Alpha has started bubblenesting only since he "met" Allie (my HM)-- they would be quite the cute gay couple. :p

Twinks dances for my finger! :lol:

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