Your Betta's Usual "dance"


Jun 11, 2007
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Miami, Florida, U.S.
Mine is just going side to side, flaring and sprinting, like he's looking for a a hole to a new container in the front of the bow front. Lool. Post yours here.
Chris' favorite thing to do is just "wiggle" back and forth anytime I walk past his tank. If I stop to "pet" him [against the tank of course, not actually touching him], he wiggles even faster.

Aladdin likes to constantly open his mouth at me like "feed me!"

And Maverick likes to flare at me anytime I walk by.

Those are my three with the most noticable "dances".

Ice, Slider, Mozart, Regi [story behind the name haha], Jazz, Jet, Pacific, Monitor and Pirate really don't do anything. Nor do my two girls, Dolce and Melody.
JB comes out to look at my face, then bolts to the other side of the tank, does a quick 540, comes back, and does it again, like four times
Tatsu does the typical wiggle dance, but gets tired after a while and floats into his hollow cave to take a betta nap. Jiaolong can do the wiggle dance for hours on end. He only stops when I stop to do the tank wall pet thing.
I have 5 Bettas, soooo yeah LOL:


He is kinda affectionate with me, LOL! When I go near his bowl he shoots right up to the surface, & shakes his body & opens & closes his mouth, thinking he's gonna get some food; & when I shake my head no, he'll just stop doing that, & then act normal, LOL! It's quite cute, actually. But when feeding time comes he goes crazy hehe :p

Sometimes he gets excited & flares a bit, but most of the time he's really calm.

I loveeeee when I go near his bowl; because he gets all excited, & he doesn't flare, but he shows-off a bit, & his colors & tail (he's my only CT, the rest are VT) are so pretty when he does that!! & he gets all happy!


Oh trust me; she is SO excited when I go near her, swimming all excited & what not! LOL it's adorable. :)
& even when I feed her, she will eat it like a shark! NO lie! LOL.


If she's at the bottom of the bowl resting, nope; when I pass by, she shoots right up! Looks @ me, dances & wiggles her body all hyper, it's soo cute! :D

So yeah, mine are all different but they sure do know how to dance. LOL!
lol one of bettas, Yang, gets all spastic when ever i go near his tank. And when i say spastic, i mean like flies around every corner and even upside down like greased lightning for about 10 seconds. lol
I had mine for only a week and when I go near his tank he comes up to me (for the most part) and sometimes will swim rapidly across the tank. "hey hey hey"

Don't know if this is bad, but I finally got him to flare when I put a colored magic marker cap near, but he never flares at me.

I was wondering if fish actually "yawn"? When mine came up from a nap he made this exaggerated open mouth for a few seconds. It was really cute. :p
My female betta likes to go left and right almost like a dog's wagging tail. If I look left, she goes right. If I look right, she goes left, always the opposite.
Friday swims up and flares at me, which is why he is not next to my bed anymore. nothing like waking up to a grumpy fish.
Storm is my bed Betta i wake up and he is staring at me "like are you alive mommy" then when he sees that i am awake he starts to dance up and down.
Jasper starts off the morning by greeting me then going over to his sister Rayne and flaring at her then will look back at me with a look on his face like "why doesn't she like me mommy?" Jasper is a good boy
Rayne is like her brother she is super excited to see me, she is my oldest i have had her since may. she occasionally will flare at jasper when i come over but ignores him most of the time. it is like she is making him work for her attention it is the funniest thing.
the three girls in the 20 gallon greet me with the guppies all of who which dance for me.
usually when I turn the light on, Pebbles widens his back fins, runs around and then flares at me.
yeah, fish yawn :p Always amuses me to see it!

if you think yawning fish are funny then you should see my 3-4 lion fish yawn his mouth is huge its so funny
Jack does to dances, if I wave at the tank he follows my hand and does the opposite movement with the wiggle of his body bit like keithp's if my hand turns right he will seemingly sidestep left and if the hand turns left he goes right, start waving at normal speed and he goes crazy trying to catch up.
If he sees me looking at the tank he comes out from his usual spot of lying on top of a cave and prowls the front with fins fully outstretched showing off and as a crowntail he is very impressive. I am currently training jack and his guppy tankmates to swim in and out of my fingers like a slalom when I put my hand in the tank, the guppies are more willing then him although thats propably because they are much quicker and agile.
I just posted a picture of my bettas, but the one with the most interesting dance is Weebo. He wiggles spastically side to side, up and down, and sometimes, like the motion a priest makes to bless something. Haha.

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