Young Platy Pregnant, Issues


Fish Fanatic
Sep 17, 2006
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I have a platy that's about five months old and still quite small, well under an inch. Well, she has a super round belly and a gravid spot. I can't believe she is having babies this young, she is almost a fry herself! I have her isolated in a breeding net now and she looks ready to drop anytime. Do you think her babies will be viable? To make matters worse, the father must be her brother...will the fry be inherently weak, or is it worth a try to try and save them? Will they pass on bad genetics if they do live?
hmmmm interesting :huh: ... sorry I can not offer any advise on the mater as I know nothing of Platy's but I am very interested to see how the fry go ... make sure you post some pic's and good luck.
These types of case happens occassionally. I believe the frys will be healthy and normal. Just take care of them well. Good luck. :)
Fish are already quite inbred to get colors and shapes. Deformed fry are nothing new, but they are generally eaten pretty early on in life. I prefer not to use a breeding net or trap and let the mother birth in the main tank. This way you don't stress out the mother and risk the chance of aborting the fry.
I have tried to let them give birth in the main tank but w/o success. I have never seen a single fry in the main tank though I've had many drops there. The barbs make short work of them. Unfortunately, breeding nets seem my only option at this point.

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