You should have been here yesterday

the caretaker

Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2005
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Worcester UK
How many time have you had to wait ages to get enough money together to buy a new filter or a new heater. only to have one of your best mates say Oh you should have told me before, I've just given 2 of those away to a man in the street who didn't really want them!!! :angry:
It's happened a few times but I try not to think about them as it makes me angry (lol). There is nothing that can be done so don't think about it-I'll just make you more angry. Instead try and think of all the times that people have given you a tank. I got 3 that way!
not a fishie story but reminds me of a painful incident in my life...

when I was a kid, my gramma used to walk to the local newsagents, buy Lady Penelope for me, Eagle for my brother and send them to us in Canada. I used to read both :)
We were coming up to a particularly tense situation: Dan was heading into a trap, some aliens had kidnapped Digby...Oh No!! what happens next??

I never found out. Gramma got too old to walk up Shooter's Hill to the newsagents and the magazines stopped coming. But I always wondered how the story ended.

Years later I moved to Toronto to go to university and was living downtown. I would often frequent used bookstores and after a number of years living here it occured to me to ask at one place, who also carried comics, if they'd ever heard of Dan Dare and Eagle comics. "Oh yes", the owner replied, "funny you should ask. We had a stack of them over there on the floor for years and years but nobody wanted them. I just gave the pile away to a guy last week."


fated never to find out what happened to Dan & Digby....
lol ive never been given nuttin
Really? How long have you been in the hobby.
My very first rectangle aquarium was a gift (was a 5 gal). The second was my birthday gift- a 10 gal.
Then there were two others, a 15 then a 20g.
Well, I have been watching the newspaper for a large aquarium near me. Today I got the big "classified only" type paper for the area that came out Wednesday (it's Friday).
I see a 150 US gallon tank with oak stand, canopy with lights and accessories for $199 OBO. I immediately called and they said " Oh, we sold that yesterday" AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO :crazy:

Oh well the quest continues :sad:

Yes, Freeads is great. THere is a 24"x12"x12" tank in there for £15 with filter, lid, lights! I need to find out if I have enough space, then I need to drop hints to mum, then I might get it....
itZme said:
Well, I have been watching the newspaper for a large aquarium near me. Today I got the big "classified only" type paper for the area that came out Wednesday (it's Friday).
I see a 150 US gallon tank with oak stand, canopy with lights and accessories for $199 OBO. I immediately called and they said " Oh, we sold that yesterday" AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO :crazy:

Oh well the quest continues :sad:

for that price, I'm not surprised. :p
once i found a 6 foot with everything for $99AUD,i drove 40 mins out of Perth to get it. and even borrowed a friends car. when i got their it was only 3 foot :grr:

dirty liars


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