You Know You're A Betta-holic When...

you look to see what furniture is taking room up that is good tank space :rolleyes:

Now when you go food shopping the supermarket has to be near a LFS that sells Bettas just incase
When you have 3 papers to write, some tests to study for, and you're late for work...yet you're posting on a fish forum...

When you go out of state to purposely look at the fish stores there...

When you call friends to check up their sick bettas...

When you are carrying on a full conversation with something that only answers with glub glub FLARE glub glub...

When you are hungrier than you've ever been, but you REALLY need bloodworms...

When you're excited about something, you attempt the happy fishy dance! :fish:
When you worry cos the girl you work with hasnt got a heater for her betta and he hasnt made a bubble nest for a couple of weeks..and I have never even seen him! :look:
ummm guilty as charged :*). my lot have learnt not to disturb me when im with my fish lol, oh and def getting home from work, ignore the hubby and kids and make a beeline for my fish. once i know they are ok then they can talk :rofl:

When you sit and wonder all day what different kinds of matches you can make amongst your fish for spawning

when you pass by a big tank a store and say "imagine how many female bettas I could fit in that!"

when you have managed to get other people in your family addicted to bettas too.

when the ONE thing in life that really makes you mad is when you walk into a pet store and find the bettas in bad conditions

when you rip the people in charge of that petstore when they tell you they live in puddles and like it that way

I could go on and on and on here :lol: <-- that too is a sign of being a bettaholic! :D
:D you get up in the morning rush to put the computer on to see what you guys are talking about...before you let dogs out or put kettle on. :lol: :lol:
You know your addicted if

-every single container you see is mentally inspected for possible fish use somehow (would this be big enough to hold a young betta? How would I heat it? I wonder if the plastic is safe for fish (even though it's holding human foodstuff right now)...
-if you get down to your last 2 fish and swear once they die (old guys) that's it, no more bettas, I'm getting a real life, I'm going to make friends who I can go out and have fun with, I'm going to find out what other humans do with their off-work hours--and then find you've just bought 10 more bettas and seem to be thinking about breeding all of them...
-you've been told in March that we're going on vacation in [December] and the first thing you think about isn't where are we going but that the pet sitter will need to be trained how to feed the fish correctly...
-you've been told in March that we're going on vacation in December and you're mentally figuring backward to see when you should do your last breeding until after you come back....
When you imagine bettas floating around when you're making out with your other half. :hey:

When you've just been holding a mirror up to you bettas for a little exercise and then hold it up in front of your cat to see if it will flare too.

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