You Know You're A Betta-holic When...


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX find betta pellets trapped in a cobweb in a pair of shoes you haven't worn in two years :crazy: make sure you're finned children are fed before your fleshy one is :look: get really peeved at someone and find yourself trying to force a flare to express your displeasure :whistle:

you refer to them as "the kids"
you get an "urge" every time your near an LFS to go in an examine in detail each and every betta they have, and are completely gutted if they have none, and lecture if they're badly kept.
You hang out around the betta section at various stores giving out advice to people because you know the people who work there don't know what they're talking about

when you see anything with a fish on it (shirt, keychain etc.. etc..) you think to yourself "Yknow.. why don't they have that in a betta?"

You dream of going to asia and search for wild bettas, and visit famous breeders farms

you get your tax money back and promptly put in an order for fish from thailand

you go on vacation, and search for fish stores to find out what kind of bettas they have
When you're suppose to be working but instead you're researching bettas, looking at auctions, and thinking bout what to get next.
:lol: Am so guilty of the second one on your list wuv. :*)
And the following...

When you find yourself moving out the second tv to fit in another betta tank.
When you'd rather go without that bottle of drink then deprive the bettas of their favourite live food.
When you start doing tank cleans when you have guests round 'because they need doing'. :look:

:lol: Am so guilty of the second one on your list wuv. :*)
And the following...

When you find yourself moving out the second tv to fit in another betta tank.
When you'd rather go without that bottle of drink then deprive the bettas of their favourite live food.
When you start doing tank cleans when you have guests round 'because they need doing'. :look:


NOW NOW i would do that as not to be in the same room as some of my wifes guests.......disapere for six hours when the kids are playing up and expect a real nagging when you finally emerge :rofl: and a battering of you can have the kids for an hour now im off to see my sister......... :rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl:
When you're on a "date" and you keep thinking, "I wonder how my little men are doing? I wonder if they'd like to eat bloodworms or brine shrimp today? They need their water change tomorrow. I love my little guys. Gunther doing so much better today! Alberich made a wittle bubble nest! :wub: " Guy's fault really, if he can't hold my attention! It' certainly not my bettas! They're great!
Guilty! I rush in from work say hello to dogs....peer at my bettas to count them all..and then speak to hubby :)
Rush out and buy 2 heaters when central heating went wrong and then lied to hubby and told him I already had heaters!
Make family have frozen peas again so bettas can have some!

Do they like hard boiled eg yolks did I read somewhere? :drool: :drool:

Also go into garden centres say to hubby just going to look at the house plants and then run to the aquatic bit! Breathe a sigh of relief cos they dont have any bettas! :rolleyes:
You hang out around the betta section at various stores giving out advice to people because you know the people who work there don't know what they're talking about

when you see anything with a fish on it (shirt, keychain etc.. etc..) you think to yourself "Yknow.. why don't they have that in a betta?"

You dream of going to asia and search for wild bettas, and visit famous breeders farms

you get your tax money back and promptly put in an order for fish from thailand

you go on vacation, and search for fish stores to find out what kind of bettas they have

:rofl: Oh LAWD--you must be following me around. How about spending Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day alone because you couldn't leave town to be with relatives cuz your Betta hasn't been well and you're worried he's going to die alone. :no:
You sit at work wondering what they are getting up to and after reading tales of peoples bettas jumping out you sit there worrying whether the lid is on right so none can escape! Also you wonder how much your fry have changed since you left them in the morning and get back and swear they have grown even if they havent! Then you feed them and clean them all out before settling down to have your dinner, put tv on but spend more time watching the fish than the telly! :D
You buy a lot of items at a thrift store that you don't need, just because you see a 25watt heater in it. :D (I lucked out with the lot of items, though, it had tons in there that was well worth the money. Definately got lucky.) get really peeved at someone and find yourself trying to force a flare to express your displeasure :whistle:


You pinch the 2/3 of the garage, chucking all hubby's tools into a tiny corner, then make him spend the next 8 weekends building you a fishroom :D
You know you're a betta-hollic when your reading a thread on a fish forum with lists of things crazed bettas owners do and realize.....your one of them

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