You Know Your Obsessed With Fish Keeping When...


Fish Aficionado
Oct 28, 2006
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Kent, UK
You know your obsessed with fish keeping when...

...You think about winning the lottery you dont think about buying a new car or going on holiday but about how massive a tank you can get.
...You use more electricity lighting and heating your tanks then you do for anything else.
...You can see your house from a mile down the street because of the blue glow coming through the windows.
...You cancel going out because you need to do a water change.
...You drive 45 minutes to your favourite fish shop to get fish food when you could have walked 5 minutes down the road to get it from somewhere else.
...You leave your favourite fish shop with food... and new corals... and new fish.. and an order placed for a new light unit :)
...The first thing you do when you get up in the morning is to go and check the tank is ok.
...The first thing you do when you get home at night is to check the tank is ok.
...You go without things for yourself (such as food, clothes and going out) to buy things for your fish.
...There is more fish food in your freezer then human food.
...You upgrade to a bigger tank and before you have even finished filling it with water your thinking about the next upgrade.
...You know more about water chemistry then your local water supplier.
...When you move house your biggest consideration is where your tanks are going to go and how much space you have to add new ones.
...You have spent more then 2 hours just sitting watching your fish.
...You have given serious consideration to getting rid of most of your furniture to make space for a bigger tank.

Theres a few from me. Sadly enough they are all true as well! Please post yours as well so I know I'm not the only nut job on here :)
i can't think of any to add because you pretty much hit the nail on the head. :lol:
...You measure every possible space in the house which could locate a fish tank...

..You drive 45 minutes to your favourite fish shop to get fish food when you could have walked 5 minutes down the road to get it from somewhere else

ha ha, that is definatley me
hehe :) it gets even worse when you walk in and they ask if you have been ok because they havent seen you for a couple of weeks :)
All of the above - particularly the removal of furniture, I havent considered it - Ive done it :lol:
You have an air pump running inside the spare fridge to keep live food alive, which takes up more room than human food.

You buy dogs taking into consideration how well they would work in a rather cramped fish room.
And another:

...Changing the furniture to match your fish tank...

We changed our Dining room table, TV table, computer table and all our little coffee tables to black/ chrome because i got a new tank! :blush:
removal of furniture definitely, i'm gunna get rid of my desk, wardrobe and chest of drawers so i can upgrade both my tanks and hopefully squeeze a new one in. my dad reckons we're gunna need to have the floors reinforced :p
You stay up 3 hours past your normal bedtime to watch your guppy delivering & to make sure she does'nt eat any of them.... Then you're a Zombie at work the next day for lack of sleep....
The more people mention things the more that come to me!

...You stay up till 2am in the Morning re-scaping your tank...
...You ring the water board when they're going to do work on your main water to make sure they don't put anything nasty in it, and they still don't know!
everyone in your family starts calling you a nutcase

your fish are more interesting to you than your partner (dunno if its happened but it sounds funny)
If you have more than 5 tanks

I have 6 :blink: :blush:

Your only supposed to have 1 originally but first they breed then 2 fish need seperating as they don't get on and then some one needs a home for a fish or its going down the tiolet and hey your 6 tanks down

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