you know where i work.

This is a tad bit off topic, but rabbitlady I just peeked at the list of animals you keep.
Holy moly! You must live on an animal farm! :)
How fun!!
Here's another one to add to your list.
This is the East Side WalMart in Madison, WI.
I went in tonight and there was a dead betta in a cup to start with. Pointed him out and went on my way to the rest of the fish. Every fish in every single tank was completely covered in ick. In one tank, 2 bubbly-eyed goldfish had been attacked by ick, had been completely covered in some slimy mucousy film, and the worst part - 2 of the 6 eyeballs in that tank had burst. The bubbly part had BURST. It was the most tragically horrible thing I have EVER seen. Oh, and their fins were ALL gone. Not like they'd been nipped, but like they'd all been sawed off. with a DULL saw.

I went home and called the manager.
I called the district manager.
I called the local tv station.
I'm going to write letters to the animal alliance and to the newspaper here in town.

Please try your best to win some humanity for these fish.
We're all getting disgustingly sick of seeing these poor beings in such deplorable conditions. :/
GO BETTAMOMMA!!! :thumbs:

I have never seen the bubbly part busted on a goldfish, and I really don't want to... that's pittiful :no:
BettaMomma said:
This is a tad bit off topic, but rabbitlady I just peeked at the list of animals you keep.
Holy moly! You must live on an animal farm! :)
How fun!!
not an animal farm yet but i hope to have one soon.. although the rabbits are not here at my house had to give them to a friend a while back i am allergic to them.. so i bought a motorcycle instead.. now i am finding i am allergic to my cats but they aren't going as easily as the rabbits. it will take a bunch for me to give them up.. especially baby my love..
well one more week and i am off to the meeting i want to thank all of you that have posted here for me.. and i hope things change for the better soon.. also would like to let you all know i have already begun i sent an opion survey out last week to home office with a few things on it already one being a bell of some sort to alert the pets dept. that someone wants fish and on the more important things train the pets dept. with knowledge and pamplets to know there fish and know what to tell the customer... so lets see how this goes .. see ya after the meeting wish me luck...for the fish that is.
Hey there - one last thing to propose...
I found out that PetSmart is going to betta barracks to house their bettas in. I'd LOOOOOVE to see WalMart do the same thing.

It would solve a LOT of problems with the bettas, I think.

Good luck, we'll be waiting anxiously to hear what happens!

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