You Hoo, I Am Back - Its Been Awhile


Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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Well, I have been away awhile, I had to move my brother into my home on a moment's notice, so it was very chaotic and still is. Hopefully short-term, but I had to totally dismantle and move my fishroom in the process...sadly I lost two spawns, and some other probs in doing so:(

But, I finally had a few successful CT spawn's yet there was some eating, and one spawn died in the move, so I added 6 surviving CT babies in with some HM babies.

Very very strange! Same diet, same tank. The CT's were 3 days younger than the HM's - eventually the Ct's ate nearly all the Hm's, until I had four of 30 left! ALL the CT's survived even being totally outnumbered by HM's - AND - they are three times as big as the HM, who are older!

Just an interesting observation! They are 5 weeks now, and time to jar soon, the CT's are adorable (Cambo marble Half Sun CT x fuschia cambo female. The cuties are just starting to get some red now.

I also have a HM spawn that is nearly ready to sell....sadly the have had a spinal deformaty that popped up. They are all otherwise healthy, with tyurq/royal marbling, very cute. I may make some of those avail for adoption. They can all swim and eat well.

How have the rest of you been? Hope all is well. I am just setting up a new CT spawn now that I have some time to do so:) Wish me luck!

Hey fawn--was wondering where you'd been. Welcome back and sorry about your losses. :/
You're a good sister tho. We want to see some pics of your new couple and your surviving spawn. :wub:

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