You guys agree with me??

Thanks all for your responses. I went to a place I never went to before today, our local Petsmart. They put goldfish that looked like they were dying in tanks with mollies. There was one molly that was constantly picking at this goldfish. They'd prefer to do this to the fish rather than just medicating it or give it a quick death? I was very astonished to see this. :eek:
StanTheBetta said:
lol ever looked at the tanks in wal mart? You're lucky if theres 2 living fish in each tank. They just leave the dead ones in there too and the other fish are picking at them :S :(
I saw a tank like that in Pets Unlimited. There was about 50 tiger barbs in a tank, and 3 were dead, and most of the others were fighting over their bodies. Saw the same thing with their Silver Sharks. I haven't bought any fish from there or walmart since my first tank was set up. I buy everything from a much better, privately owned store. The fish are all perfectly happy in their tanks, which are actually set up with plants and gravel. The fish could probably live happily for months in 90% of their tanks. The small, cheap schooling fish are a bit crowded, but they look great.

They don't have any big fish, but that's allright. Pets Unlimited is a disgusting example of how profit is the only reason to take good care of their fish. They had two tanks that were next to each other. One had $12 tank-raised angelfish. It was completely bare, and there was 2 dying angelfish in there. Next to it was a tank with wild-caught angels that went for $50 each (And worth it too). Their tank had gravel, was well planted, and guess what? The fish looked great.

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