Yippeeee!!!! Green terror is getting better


New Member
May 3, 2004
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I just want to say that my Green terror that had popeyes and maybe velvet is looking soooo much better :D His eyes are almost back to normal and only one side of his body looks velvety. I'm soooo darn happy, I could just sh*t :p (maybe that's not nessesary, but that's how happy I am) I also put my Oscars in a tank by themselves and just wondeing how to find out if I have 2 males or 2 females, but I'm hoping that I have a breeding pair. They look exactally alike, any way to see what I have?????? Does anyone know if they are hard to breed????
Thanx for all the support when my buddies were not seeming too healthy :p
I have no idea how to sex Oscars,but I sure am glad to hear your greeny'T is doing better! :) I love green terrors. :wub:

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