Yippee There Are Bn Eggs!

I recently had a set, took 6 days to hatch, 4 days to eat their egg sacks with Dad keeping an eye and are now free swimming....hope this helps..
all 4 of my lots hatched within 3 days i saw the wriglers in the cave then 10 days later they were out and very hungry
Hatching can take more that 3 days so dont be worried. Depends on tepm water conditions etc. A full cycle usually takes a month, from mating through to daddy letting them out and him mating again :) Randy little devils they are :)
Less than a month before they mate again? I'm in trouble. :p I have room to move the existing fry to various tanks but if they mate again so soon after, I'll have to somehow manage another batch before I can move the existing one.
Yup when they are in they mood they really go for it. I had one pair that just had to be seperated in the end, he produced about 300 babies in 6 months. This was in the early days when they lived in my 100g which is full off bogwood, ocean rock plants etc. I had no idea that they were even breeding in there due to amount of places to hide I saw the odd little wriggler from time to time. Then when they got to about 2 months old and were no longer worried about the larger fish in my tank I started seeing them.. I did panic..lol they were everywhere. Took me 12 months to sell them all on. I now breed in small tanks where its easy to reomve the female to control the situation.
So you will have to be prepared with growing on space, or try and get a local shop to take some off your hands, but I find they only take them when they are about 3cms long :(
Not trying to hijack the thread but here are some of mine:

Next to a dime:

Close up:

I've got more not uploaded yet as well.

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