Yippee There Are Bn Eggs!


Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, UK
Well, after removing my YoYo Loaches from my community tank on saturday, and making a cave out of slate for my BN (who took up residence immediately :clap: ), I looked with a torch this morning, and there are about 30 orange eggs on the ceiling at the back and he is fanning them :hyper: .

I cannot beileve it has happened so quickly. How long will they take to hatch, and should I put a pleco wafer inside the entrance of the cave for him, or let him get on with it?

Cannot help you with the eggs but congrats, must be very exciting!!
Well, after removing my YoYo Loaches from my community tank on saturday, and making a cave out of slate for my BN (who took up residence immediately :clap: ), I looked with a torch this morning, and there are about 30 orange eggs on the ceiling at the back and he is fanning them :hyper: .

I cannot beileve it has happened so quickly. How long will they take to hatch, and should I put a pleco wafer inside the entrance of the cave for him, or let him get on with it?


no if he's fanning them they'll be ok its all looking pretty good
so far what ever your doing your doing it right he'll manage to feed
you can try putting food in there but mine never ate while having eggs, it will take about 3 days to hatch then a further 10 days till they should start exploring by then they would have used up there egg sacks and looking for food :good:
congratulation on the eggs ,

i have just looked in my cave thought the male was guarding and i have eggs also :hyper:

so exciting :good:
Here are some pics I got of the cave we made and a shot of him with the eggs! :clap:



congrats on your eggs hopeing mine will start to breed again soon lost my male the other week have another so just givin it time for some bonding then some sweet loving in the caves i bought of russel

cheers dane
my eggs have gone and i dont see anything in the cave now
males coming out for food now so i think they have been eaten :shout:

hows yours coming

Well, it is now Day 4 and he is still guarding and fanning the eggs. Are they supposed to look different by now, because they are still orange? :/ Should he know if they are infertile?

To top it off I now have Bronze Corydora eggs as well!!! :hyper:

should of hatched out now, if they are 'bad' eggs then he should kick them out. congrats on the cory eggs too :good: come to think of it, when i first saw a wrigler it looked very much like the egg exceot it had a tail which was very hard to see
I think it depends partly on temperature as my first batch was fairly controlled at 75-76° and the second one has been between 74-78° mostly on the hotter side because of summer approaching and the second batch has definitely grown faster.

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