
Blood red parrots are infertile, however I've been told that blood parrots are different. And doesn't thins just suck? My eggs hatched! I saw 1 baby! Then as I tried to find the net to remove them into a seperate tank my Senegal and RTBS swooped in and began to have a feast T_T I was so angry, but the good news is the pair is trying to breed again, I'm planning on building a large rock cave around them so the Senegal and anybody else looking for a quick snack will have one hell of a time reaching them :shifty:
I'm sorry to hear about your last batch. Good luck on your next try though.
Sneaky Senegal and RTBS. :sly:
Indeed they were sneaky little bums... But :hyper: I've got babies now!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D I'm pretty excited :) My female and male aren't letting them out of their sites and they won't let any fish into their territory :p They've ended up taking up half of my 55 gallon tank lol... Curious to know, would a 10gallon grow-out tank be alright for the time being until these fish hit about 1"+?

Or, should I transfer my saltwater fish into a 20long tank and use the current 29gallon as a grow out?
If your just going to move the fry to the 10 gallon I would say fine. That's just my opinion. I wouldn't want to put you through all the trouble of moving the salties. :no: :D Congradulations btw. 8)
Thx much, I've got a spare 10gallon tank right now, but the seams on it needs to be sealed, however I also have a 10gallon tank that doesn't leak which is currently holding my Pacman frog and Dumpy Treefrog, so I'll be switching those guys into the 10 that leaks and my problem is solved :) This also is better for me as I don't need to spend all that money (thank god!).

Thanks for the congratz, I'm still thinking though, there is about 15-18 fry, would the 10 be fine? I know that some will grow slower than others (happened with my Texas cichlids when I had them), so should I just cull the fry and keep only the strongest?
It's really up to you. If you kill the "weak" ones you'll definately have room for the others until they get 1 in. But if you don't you'll probably be moving them because they'll be too many in the 10 gallon without enough room. Like I said, it's really up to you.
as cruel as I know that culling is, I do find it to be a somewhat humane thing to do if the babies being culled are too weak to survive, plus I do have two clawed frogs that do need food.

I think I'll cull them, but, I'm planning on removing them from my 55gallon when they reach about 1.5-2cm, would that be alright? It'll make them a bit easier for me to catch, that's why I want to wait.

Also, the parents, I know that since they've bred, they will agian... should I just leave them to it and continue to catch the fry and cull them? Or should I buy a seperate tank for them all together? Also, would it be advised to place the parents with the babies in the 10gallon tank for a period of time?
It's nature. Fish do have to eat. I agree with you. I would wait until they reach 1.5-2cm so it would be less stressful for them and your only keeping them in the ten gallon until they reach around 1inch.

Do you think if you leave the next batch with the parents they will eventually be eaten? If so you could leave them in the main tank. Or as you said you can catch them to feed your clawed frogs. You could buy a seperate tank if you think your going to be doing this long term and the fry are going to need permanent housing.

I don't suggest putting the parents in the ten gallon. I can imagine the stress that will cause the parents. Your 29 gallon would be better but that would still be stressful for the parrot. Again it's really up to you.
K, I guess it's the 10gallon for the babies untill I can think of something else to do with them, I'll be feeding about half the batch to my clawed frogs, and the others will either get raised to about 1-2inches and sold to my LFS, or get raised to an inch and get fed to my pacman frog.
Alright, so I've ended up setting up two tanks, a 6gallon bowfront tank and a 10gallon tank, I'll be splitting the babies between the two tank with oviously a few more in the 10gallon. The babies are only about 1cm right now, so I'll be waiting for a while untill they hit atleast 2cm and I can see them without having to actually search.
Are the fry going to the 6 gallon going to be the ones your going to feed to your other fish and frogs or is it just more room for fry?
It's just for more room so the fry can grow out, as they grow I'll pick out the smaller ones to be culled. Planning on begining to cull my fry around 2 months of age.
Finally pics :) After long last I've found my camera.

First shot, Mommy and daddy, mommy is the pink fish down bellow, and daddy is the black convict

and now... Some baby shots ^_^ excuse the quality, the babies wouldn't stay still for the photo op :p
you may have to look closly...







AND... sorry couldn't resist :p my girlfriends dog :p


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