Marine Keeper..
Ok, so I decided to start a journal. Although it will be around a month until I actually get the tank. But I thought if I start now I can add all things I see and would be interested in getting once I have actually purchased the tank.
Im going for the orca tl550. (Thanks bigC and Bagu for recommeding them).
Ok so lets get started.
Here are a few pictures of corals I liked at the LFS and wondering if you could tell me if they would survive in the Orca tl550.
If you could also give me the names I would be grateful.
Also I will show pictures of fish I spot and wonder if you recommened them and if you have experiance with them etc.
Heres a book I purchased today, its a good read. Next book will be "The Bible" (thanks trod and seffie for recommeding them):
Corals I like:
First Coral:
Second Coral:
Third Coral:
Forth Coral:
Fish I like:
First Fish: (The yellow and blue one)
Oooh I couldnt miss taking a photo of this mandarin:
Also I saw a spotted mandarin, do they have the same survival rates as the normal mandarins?
Im going for the orca tl550. (Thanks bigC and Bagu for recommeding them).
Ok so lets get started.
Here are a few pictures of corals I liked at the LFS and wondering if you could tell me if they would survive in the Orca tl550.
If you could also give me the names I would be grateful.
Also I will show pictures of fish I spot and wonder if you recommened them and if you have experiance with them etc.
Heres a book I purchased today, its a good read. Next book will be "The Bible" (thanks trod and seffie for recommeding them):
Corals I like:
First Coral:
Second Coral:
Third Coral:
Forth Coral:
Fish I like:
First Fish: (The yellow and blue one)
Oooh I couldnt miss taking a photo of this mandarin:
Also I saw a spotted mandarin, do they have the same survival rates as the normal mandarins?