Bit of a setback to report
Yesterday when I was looking for hitchhikers I noticed that the tank seam on the front seemed a bit out of line.
Upon closer inspection it appears that the right hand side glass panel is off square. To the rear it tilts in from top to bottom and to the front it tilts out bottom to top.
At first I thought nothing of it so I went to bed, only to wake up at 2am thinking about it.
I ummmed and arrred about it on the way to work, eventually deciding to contact Juwel.
Whilst I waited for Juwel to get back to me I also contacted the supplier who said to send some pics in. By the time I sent this off Juwel had got back to me stating I return the tank straight away for a swap. Shortly after this the supplier contacted me to say the same thing.
So all in all, bit of a delay and a bit of a pain as I've got to re-paint the rear but credit to Juwel for offering the swap without me having to argue in the slightest. All i've got to do is run my tank until next thursday, pop the rock in a bucket, swap the tank at the shop, re-paint and refill it.
No word back from Hydor on my buzzing Nano yet, a bit slack in comparison to Juwel.