Yet another of my fish is sick...


Feb 12, 2016
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Two tanks means tons of sick fish, I guess... first my betta Finn, who died a while ago, then Max, my guppy, and now my other betta Tilly.

I think he has a swim bladder issue, but I wanted to check with you guys before trying to treat it. After his ich, his stomach started swelling. At first, I thought he was just fat. But I fast him two days a week, and he hasn't gotten any less fat. I saw a similar post a few days ago about a betta who had a giant bubble thing on his side, and who started out the same way-- with bloat.

I'm going to include pictures, but here are the water parameters:
Ammonia 0, Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, chlorine 0, pH 7.8, GH 350-400.
His tank is 5 gallons, but the way it bends the light, whenever he's on the far side of the tank, it looks like a 1 gallon tank. Temp is 78°.

I vacuum twice a week, but I forgot to vacuum last week.


Sorry, but that's the best I can do. He's not very photogenic.
I forgot to mention why I think it's a swim bladder problem. He sometimes backs up, swims straight up and down, and sometimes ends up sideways on the floating plants. I think he just has trouble getting over the plants, though, and that's how he gets over it.

I did notice that he's a little less bloated now, and he just had a giant poop trail, so maybe that's all it is. I'm going to fast him for two days, and maybe the problem will resolve itself.
He looks bloated alright, How much are you feeding him?

If after 2 days of fasting he has not improved you might try a Epsom salt bath.

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