Yesss! The Day Has Come!


you don't know JACK FISH
Oct 30, 2004
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Montreal, Quebec
Finally after months of waiting, me and my girlfriend are going to Big Al's this evening to purchase a new 90 gallon tank!

It's equipped with a 100 watt neon and a Filstar XP3 canister.

It will be an oscar tank so no plants. It seems to be a waste to put so much light on a tank that won't benefit from it, save for the algea. At least the Pleco we're putting in loves algea and his current tank is always spotless!

Can't wait to have it delivered in the living room :)

Here are the pics
Congrats on the new tank.

Look forward to the pics :)
Good stuff yvez :thumbs: .

Always a great feeling getting a new tank and planning the next project.

(why is it that us fishkeepers ALWAYS NEED a new project and are never satisfied with what we've got??)

I'll have to be satisfied with what I have after we get this tank as there will be no more room in the apartment for tanks. Of course, the couch could always go but I doubt my girlfriend would agree with :S
Get rid of the girlfriend too and then you'll only need a single bed and one chair which frees up room for 2 more tanks, hell a single man doesnt actually need a kitchen so that could be a fish room and the bonus is it already has running water and a drain!!

:p :lol:
Get rid of the girlfriend too and then you'll only need a single bed and one chair which frees up room for 2 more tanks, hell a single man doesnt actually need a kitchen so that could be a fish room and the bonus is it already has running water and a drain!!

:p :lol:


All done.

I now have 12 tanks for a total of 1000 gallons. Any more ideas to fit more in? I now have a computer which I can't get rid of otherwise i'll be out of ideas to fit more tanks, a small camping bed that I can fold during the day and I use a pillow as a couch. I also got rid of my wardrobe cause I don't even have to time to go outside since I'm so busy with maintenance.

Yeah, I'm naked right now...
what could I use to seal the windows and door? I'm going to get a pond liner to cover the floor and walls, but I'll use the ambient light from the windows as to not risk getting electrocuted. Heating will also be an issue as I'll have no more power outlets
or you could go posh and get a blow up lilo, and float on the top without the need for getting wet. :thumbs: :D
I can remeber when you were just figuring out what to put in your first tank, I joined around the same time with my other name, you have come a long ways since then.
Sounds like fun. Only one oscer?
Yes Cal (what was your name before?), I've come a long way thanks to friendly people and great advice.

As far as stocking goes, there will be one common pleco that is about 11 inches long. I believe it has stopped growing as it hasn't grown at all in the past year. It might have been stunted before we got him though but anyhow, he gets a bigger tank now :)

There will also be an oscar of course.

Finally, me and my girlfriend are trying to decide between a convict and a severum. I want a severum, she wants the convict so....

I believe with the pleco, the oscar and a medium sized cichlid, the tank will be well stocked.

We went to pick everything up tonight. The owner is going to deliver the tank and stand tomorrow morning as it was too big to fit in my car.

We got black tahitian moon sand as a substrate and a dark background. I hope this will bring out the fish's color since all our tanks have regular sand or bright gravel. Also got a 300W heater, I know 2 would be better but I'll just put it right next to the filter's output.

The only thing we're missing now is some big rocks. I'll go to a gaden center sometime next week and see what I can find!

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