YES! Good news for a change at my house.


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
After coming home Saturday night and finding Archie colorless and laying on the bottom of his tank (his water was 72 degrees) I gave him a water change and got him on Maracyn 2 because of his advanced finrot that was creeping up on his poor fins (i was trying to get rid of that with water changes and salt, but it was just not working at ALL)... I also crank up the heat in our apartment in the evenings now so it stays a more constant temp here 24/7.... and yesterday when I got up in the morning, this is what I saw:

First bubblenest for Archie in... oh, probably a month and a half! :)
Glad to see he's doing better BM :) Tough little guys, aren't they :flex:

I have a betta that barely makes bubblenests and yesterday he made a HUGE one :blink: I have to wreck it though, water change day :S
Doesn't it seem brutal to dump a bubble nest down the drain?
Uuuuugh - all that work going right down the drain.

BettaMomma said:
Doesn't it seem brutal to dump a bubble nest down the drain?
Uuuuugh - all that work going right down the drain.

Yes, it does. Especially since he doesn't make nests too often. I love watching them make nests though, it's kinda fun to watch :lol:
This is his nest... (sorry for posting it in your thread but I wanted to share his work :p)


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