Yes, Another Stocking Question!

Thanks, Ny; I am over it really!
I am getting another one though, as soon as I've shuffled my tanks around a bit ;)
Aww good for you! We can both get 1! I want one with long flowing fins too!
I have to confess, normal finned angels always look a bit...stumpy to me now 
fluttermoth said:
I have to confess, normal finned angels always look a bit...stumpy to me now 
Oh that is just terrible...but yeah I am with you on that one
I think the long finned ones look much more elegant.
The LFS I got my cories from which is about an hour away just posted their pre order list for this month. These are among it:
Deadline: Thursday, 8th August @ 10:30pm.
Collection from: Wednesday, 14th August. Pre-order only.


Assorted 4-5cm - £2.99 / 10 for £24
Assorted XL - £8.99 / 5 for £40
Black 4-5cm - £3.99 / 3 for £10
Black Large - £5.99
Ghost 3-4cm - £2.50
Gold 4-5cm - £2.99
Koi 4-5cm - £3.50
Koi 7-8cm - £7.99
Leopard 3-4cm - £3.50
Map 4-5cm - £3.50
Marble 4-5cm - £2.99
Smoke 4-5cm - £2.99
The ghost and the leopard look amazing!
Definitely get an angel! You will love it!
You could also have a school of cardinal tetras or similar.
I can't wait to see pics of this tank once it's fully stocked! :snap:
Blondielovesfish said:
Definitely get an angel! You will love it!
You could also have a school of cardinal tetras or similar.
I can't wait to see pics of this tank once it's fully stocked!
Thanks blondie, it's like i've not spoken to you in ages! I will let you see the tank as it is and we can do a before and after. 
Just as a side note, on one of the aquatics sits I am on, on fb, they stocked someones 180L with a pair of angels, a pair of bolivian rams, a shoal of harlequins, a shoal of flame tetras and a group of cories. Is this a bit much?

You can see my rams-just!
The fish in the middle looks like a rummeynose tetra. Anyway I think you will probably be OK with the cories, rams and 2 shoals of fish. (shoals of 8 each) and not forgetting the angel fish.Seeming as i was told a few days ago the selection of fish below for a 150l so your tank is slightly bigger so the tank should not be overstocked.
10 Back Neons 
4x Honey Gourami.
8x Corydoras Panda
2x German Blue Rams
Very nice! I love it! An angel would go well ;)
Yeah, we haven't spoken in awhile :( I don't think I even knew your tank had cracked :blush:
wow id like to see some angel(S) with rams just because im using that in my new tank.
That fish in the middle is my female ram!!! She's just under 2" at the moment so just small :p I really REALLY want a pair of angels.
Thinking of something like this:
3 gold rams
Pair of angels (pretty please :/ )
A shoal of something

Haleem -that stocking sounds great, help me with mine lol it's like I hardly have anything! The difficult part is the shoaling fish

Blondie - that's ok :p

Ncguppy - they will be awesome together, I watched many a youtube video of angels in community setups. Getting
Ny82 said:
I think the Pencil Fish would be a great option - they stay high in the water column and would fill a gap left by all the Cories and Rams

This was the 1st time I had seen them! They are quite striking.
fluttermoth said:
If you really would like an angel, get one; your tank's just about tall enough.
They really do do fine on their own, and they're lovely; my favourite fish, although I don't own one myself atm; I lost mine recently and haven't replaced him yet; I was besotted with that fish.
Sorry to hear about your angel, I do love them, I really think I would be head over heels with one, esp a black one

My DD Angel has such an attitude - it's weird to see the difference between my breeding pair and him/her on their own. Even when the pair have spawned, they're nicer and better mannered than my black one :p

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