yes another fishless cycle question


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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:dunno: Ok, I started my fishless cycle a couple days ago and got the ammonia readings near 5 ppm. On day 2, I again added the ammonia and my ammonia reading went to around 7 ppm. I am going to start testing for nitrites today, but I expect it to be 0 for a few more days.

So my question is, Should I continue to add the same amount again today or if this will throw my numbers off the chart?

Is a nitrate test kit required for a fishless cycle, or will I be ok with just ammonia and nitrite kits?

Also, a few days before I started my cycle, my water got a little cloudy. it isnt terrible, but its definitly not completely clear. What might have caused this and what could be a remedy?
When I do a fishless cycle I like to bring the ammonia up to between 4 and 5, so you may want to cut back just a hair. Definitly continue to add ammo to continue cycling.

You will need a nitrate test kit, though not until your nitrites start to drop. This kit will also be needed when the cycle is done to determine how much and how often to change the water once you stock the tank.

The cloudiness you are seeing is a bacterial bloom, nothing to worry about, as it will clear itself up as you continue to cycle.


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