Yellow Water Question

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Fish Crazy
Mar 15, 2013
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I know this may not be in the right section. However i have driftwood in my aquarium, when i brought it i soaked it for 2 weeks in a bucket and i thought the tannis would go but my aquarium water is a yellow colour because of the driftwood. I have tried large water changes like 50 % each week but had very little affect. So i was wondering if there was some time of product that i could put into the tank to remove the yellowness. By product i mean chemicals, solutions, filter media etc. Basically anything

I found a media called purigen would that work?
Not sure on what products to use, but my driftwood still leaches and it's been in my tank over a year! Definitely following this topic.
wow,over a year. i expected my water to clear over a few months but i am impatient and i wanted a quicker solution.I just hope there is a solution
Activated carbon is by far the best and fastest (cheapest) way or removing the tea stained appearance of your water, Seachem Purigen would also work
Tannins in water won't do your tank or stocking any harm at all.
In fact can be beneficial as tannins has natural immune boost for your tank stocking.
Tannins will go away eventually, or as Kirky already mentions, active carbon is most effective way of removing tannins if you do not like that tea stained look in the tank.
Currently i have active carbon in my filter but that has not worked as good as i was hoping. Also purigen is quite expensive so i am unsure on weather to buy it just in case it does not work.
you'll need lots of activated carbon and usually there is little room for it in an internal filter, and would need almost a full tray of the stuff in an external to make an impact, When I had smaller tank I just bought a cheap mid sized internal filter removed all the sponges and made it a dedicated carbon only filter to clear my stained water.
dont worry i thought this was bad to but soon was informed it can infact help the fish and mostpeople actualy aim to put the tannins in the water
Yes, i have read that it can help fish but in my water there is too much tannis,the fish i have are harlequin and glowlights and they are not as bright so they do not look good in my water, so i think i will a smaller filter and put active carbon into it and see how i get along.

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