Yellow Danios?

OTA has the best fish in Chicago. A little more expensive, but worth it. Also check out Living Sea Aquarium in Park Ridge.
Glowlight Danio

Gold Giant Danio

Look like either of those two?
For those of you who are interested, the scientific name appears to be Danio Choprae. Thanks for all your help,

wow glo fish I see an aqurium display at one of the LFS with them in it and i thought it was a special light. I went to the site and read up on it a little and it appears they altered the fish a little bit and now they are their own mutant species. :alien:
::Toot Toot::
I am the ultimate fish IDer.... I am the best! I rock!!!
::Toot Toot::

I wish I could find some of those. At first I thought they were a hybrid but they are a natural fish. COOL!
They had some of these at Maidenhead when I was there on Saturday.

Lucky to have them.

Might get some when drop of the Little Bugger Off back to Uni.
Ok Now my turn. Anyone able to ID some danios that I can't? they are whitish orange bodies and clear fins with orange bands on them going horizonatally (Sp?) They are not pearls and I can't find them anywhere. Anyhelp would be good ;)

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