Yellow Bettas - Where Are They Coming From?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 19, 2004
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Anyone else in the notice a significant increase in yellow Bettas?

I came back from vacation to loose 4 girls to dropsy. While looking around to restock I went to 4 stores. 3 had multiple yellow male Bettas.
I've never seen so many available before.

Wish I had room, I would have grabbed a couple as the yellows are my favorites.
yes manly the veils where i work not so much the crowns though
all i find is red VTs hard to find a blue VT in my area, let alone any other colour or tail type :rolleyes:
I saw a mustard gas veil tail a few days ago in my LFS, which is very rare for them, usually just have red. I would have got it, but had the small problem of not having anywhere to put him. Don't think i've ever seen a yellow one either
i have never seen any other than a blue in my area :( wish we had reds i think they are beautiful
When I lived near St. Louis in Illinois the Petsmart down the street would get alot of young female veiltails and sell them for .99 cents each, I picked up 3 all clear bettas (females) one day and they had tons of females that were either part or all clear to yellow. Now that I moved to Pennsylvania the bettas are alot more expensive at Petsmart especially the females, I guess it just depends on the seller and how much they are selling them to the store.
Lol I have so many colours of betta now. Have a georgeous MGCT girl who is about to become a Mum with my redCT chap. My pink/red marble HM is about to become a second time Daddy with a blue RT lady. The trick is to find UK breeders and buy your bettas from them. Those of us that breed are trying for good and unique colouration aswel as healthy happy bettas. :good: One of my youngsters, just over 4 months, has developed a yellow colouring to her body. Unexpected since her parents are not yellow but the pink marble and Mum was blue. :blink:

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