Yellow Betta!


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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Hi everyone! I have a few questions. I bought a yellow crowntail betta today. Sorry, I can't get any pictures. :( . It is a clearish yellow color and he is beautiful. The pet stores i show it to say they have never seen yellow ones. Have any of you seen yellow ones? Do you think he could have been dyed? If he was dyed, do you think the dye could have gotten into his sperm, or is that always just DNA? I think that if I breed him and see yellow babies, he probably wasn't dyed. But if the sperm got dyed, I will never find out. ???? .

Thank you so much everyone and I 100% appreciate your answers!!
They don't dye sperm :lol: They inject dye into the fish.

Bettas come in all colours of the rainbow. :good: Your fish is probably not dyed. There are plenty of natural healthy yellow bettas out there.

Bettas are not typically dyed, because they already come in just about any colour you can think of. I can't think of a colour they don't come in.
Bettas are not typically dyed, because they already come in just about any colour you can think of. I can't think of a colour they don't come in.

pure purple ;o. and silver :eek:. and light brown :eek: and dark brown :eek:...yeah. lol
Platinum opaque could be called silver. :good: And I guess there aren't pure purple or pink bettas, but there are some pretty good wannabes. :p Aren't wild bettas brown sometimes?
I had a beautiful sunshine yellow female with turquoise highlights and eyes that I bought, from all places, Petsmart.

I've noticed, at least in the stores around here, the really awesome light colored bettas are mainly the females. The males are all blue, green, and red - and the females are all pinks, whites, yellows and cambodians. I don't know if it's just because the light males sell out really really fast and the females don't, or if the suppliers do something else with the light males knowing they'll sell faster and just don't care about where the females go.
so you guys don't think he's dyed? And it is impossible for the dye to somehow get into the sperm and affect it? Thank you guys all soo much and I an in your debt!!
no no no hes not died. he is probably just a yellow betta. is it bright yellow like a banana or more transparant? and they die fish with injections or with a acid dip. and ive heard that some fish are died with food.
hes more transparent and yellow and I'm just curious if the dye could get to sperm, because i breed my fish and I don't want dye to have gotten to sperm. Even if it did, do you think it would even affect the sperm, or is it impossible to have dye affect sperm?

Again, thank you all so much! You are really making me feel a lot better about this situation! :D


here are some pics!!
Sometimes he has an orange tint, but sometimes he's yellow.
Nooo, he is just natural yellow!! whats with the sperm questions :p even though its called milt :p sorry, now im trying to sound smart :D

:D He's quite beautiful. I usually see those called "pineapple" on aquabid.
Nooo, he is just natural yellow!! whats with the sperm questions even though its called milt sorry, now im trying to sound smart

And doing a good job of it! :good: I was sitting here thinking "fish don't have sperm".

On topic: really pretty fish, his fins look like gold
Ohhhh, he's pretty! They generally don't dye bettas because they already come in such beautiful colors :wub: I am pretty sure his sperm is A-OK but if you are still questioning it, go over to the hybrid section, I'm not sure but I'm betting some people have dyed fish and you could see if they've bred before and what the babies came out like. Either that or start a new topic in Tropical Chit Chat and ask if anyone has bred dyed fish? Hope this helps.

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