Fish Gatherer
Sorry just very happy my other RO unit came and runs perfect, pressure fine on the outside tap so runs beautifully, seems like quite a lot coming out the good tap aswell!!!
Tested some water after running for 5mins and it read 1, thought hmmm thats not bad, left it 10mins tested again and its 0!!!! Got to figure setting it up and getting a container to run it into until I need it.
Any tips on tubs, do they have to be food safe? and how big do you think I should go for? 100l barrel or something? It will most likely also be the tub I use for mixing the salt water in, is that ok or will it make my tds readings off when I make a new batch?
Tested some water after running for 5mins and it read 1, thought hmmm thats not bad, left it 10mins tested again and its 0!!!! Got to figure setting it up and getting a container to run it into until I need it.
Any tips on tubs, do they have to be food safe? and how big do you think I should go for? 100l barrel or something? It will most likely also be the tub I use for mixing the salt water in, is that ok or will it make my tds readings off when I make a new batch?