Yay! - On Valentine's Day!


Jun 6, 2005
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British Columbia - Canada
My beautiful HM mustard gas male and SD mustard gas female are spawning on Valentines day!
I put them in together yesterday morning and when i went to feed them this morning i walked in on them doing their thing :hey:
So exciting - they've spawned once before but sadly my male didn't know what he was doing and neglected some and ate the rest.
the female is a bit big for him so it's a bit slow, but they're doing it!
I'll update again later.
ahh... what a wonderful valentine's gift.

Let's just hope the babies hatch and are all healthy.
Well - looks like a nice size clutch of eggs. Mom's doing well in her nice clean tank with lots of blood worms.
Dad did a great job this time and is still doing a great job now - i thought i saw him take a good chomp but i think he found a missed blood worm in behind his cup. Anyway he didn't continue chomping anyway so i'm happy.
Looking good! i got my fingers crossed!
i'll get pic tomorrow
GRRRR...the little bugger ate most and neglected the nest again - there's only bubbles around the inside of the styrophome and still maybe a dozen or so eggs but it's been quite cold so i don't expect them to hatch for another couple days...UGH - i'm so disappointed. Things were looking so good.
This is the second time he's done this. I dunno what to do with him. He's a GORGEOUS HM MG and Wooky is a really pretty MG SD.
I just pulled Ligoles cause i'd have no eggs if i didn't and i guess we'll see in the next couple days what happens.
Well it shocked the pants off me but they all hatched already! It's d*mn cold here and i thought it would at least be another day.
Anyway there are quite a few and about 60 on the bottom :(
Ligoles was taken out yesterday cause he wasn't doing anything but eating eggs - there's no nest left but still a big bunch hanging under the cup. I lowered the water to about 2 inches so hopefully that'll help. I just don't know what else to do.

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