Yay My Guppie Fry!


New Member
Mar 11, 2008
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last time i posted pic of my guppie http://www.fishforums.net/content/Tropical...Look-My-Guppie/

and today i get home, and i see like 9 fry! and then after 4 hrs they were 26, but it ate 2 that were stuck up in the net!

im so happy FIRST time my fish had fry!

any tips on how to feed teh fry? i have about 20 left now that are active, rest 4 are on teh ground mostly barely moving. but still alive.

i have a 10 gallon tank, i put a tank separator and put all teh fry in teh other side. so they have plants and etc.

how to feed tho, and other tips please!
Frequent water chagnes make them grow faster, as they give off a growth hormone. When there is too much in the water, they stop or slow down growing. Frequent water changes remove this hormone, allowing them to grow faster.
ok, well i keep crushing flakes as small as i can, and i throw em in the water, but i have not seen any fry eat a bit. i dont knwo fi they eat and cant see since they are so small, but still. so anything to worry about for that?

and as you have said above the water change, don't you think if i change the water it might be a little too much for them to handle all the shake of water. or can they handle that?
i just had like 15 more fry from my other fish.
Ahh they are all pregnant.

But Will cleaning my tank disturb then? because i don't want to catch them with a net because they are very small and can easily die.

and since i have the tank divider, if i take that out to clean tank because i would have to, then the other fish would eat them.

any suggestions?

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