YAY I got my new aquarium!


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
I finally got the 20L tank that I wanted (thanks to the help of you guys, hehe). Now I'm thinking maybe I shoulda gotten the 30 gal... ;)

I thought I'd post here as I have questions about different types of fish, so...

Anyway, my boyfriend took me fish shopping the other day. I usually just go to Superpetz (kinda like a petco), but I decided to check out a smaller pet store. SOOO glad I did, cause they have a much better selection & much better prices. I came home w/ some neons (3/$1!!), a kuhli loach (love this little guy), and an african dwarf frog.

I know the froggie needs blood worms, but how do I feed him as he doesnt feed at the top like my other fish. I saw him eating some flake food, but it worries me when i dont see my fish/frogs eat. Same question for the loach, as he has made his home in the bubble thing & I don't see him too much.

Also, anyone ever had a freshwater flounder?
bloodworms are a good suplement but it can survive on normal fish flakes just drop the food in the water your frog will eat it eventually, don't leave it in over a day but this sn't usually a problem, same applies for the loach they'll eat your food just gotta leave it in, or try some other sinking food
Hi abe :)

I'm glad to learn that you got an ADF! :thumbs: But you're sure it is and ADF and not an ACF, aren't you? I have both kinds and think they're just great! :nod:

There's a link in my signature that will take you to a thread that has lots of information and links about them.

ADFs eat off the bottom of the tank and are particularly fond of live or frozen worms. There is also a special kind of food for them called Frog Bites by HBH. I feed mine both.

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