YAY, i got into uni!

Mr Miagi

Veins are flowing with SW, now going back to FW!
Mar 5, 2004
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Adelaide, Australia!
Hi all, u havnt seen me in the saltwater forums before cause i dont have much experience with salt water.

I would love to acquire a large saltwater tank soon!

Anyways, i just wondered if any others on here were marine biologists or any of you are curently studying marine biology?
I did years ago (about 20 but never finished the degree :(
I keep thinking i should enquire about an open university course on it as i live this subject
I did back in my middle school and high school days. I wouldn't mind jumping back into it though.

Good to hear you got into a school. Theres never anything wrong with that. Don't ever stop either, I still regret not finishing my degree when I had the chance.
Ive thought about this, what does it actually entail doing?, i would have to go on the lines of an O.U course, as theres no way i could give up my job, plus my job is easy money for doing very little ( just gotta love the british rail system! :D )

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