Yay :) I got betta #2


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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If you saw the other topic I posted about where to put one if I got one, well, I got one :) I saw him on Monday and felt sorry for him (and all the other bettas they had). He was being kept in with a tankfull of platties, which was one of the worst things they could have put him with. He was flaring constantly, not very lively either. I went back today, and they had the one I'd been looking at. Which is very suprising, I expected him to be gone in the 4 days since I saw him. He's a bit nipped but overall not too bad. He is either a crownie or a combie, not sure which. He's a pale yellow colour, which is why I was suprised to see him still there. At the moment he's swimming around the 20g. The only other occupants are 6 cories, which take no notice. Apart from Filter Boy who seems to get a bit annoyed when the betta swims by the filter. I'll try and get pics, but its not that likely. Anyways, I have a few Q's.

My options for him are as follows....
1. Keep him in the comm and work around him.
2. Divide off about 5g for him.

If I go with option 1, I would like a fairly large school of little fish, like tetras. I don't want neons, and would ideally like something like a black/white widow. Anything you can think of?

Also, if I go with the dividing option, or move him to another tank, how many females can I get into 15g? :)LOL, whats the prescription for mbs?
i would divide him off he wont be nipped and youll have much more selection of fish to choose when stocking.i know platys r awful!mine nearly ate ine if my bettas overnight :crazy:
I go with the divide a section off for him too :)

He sounds gorgeous :wub: can't wait to see pics of him if you can get some :snap:

Not so hot on tetras so can't help you there I'm afraid.

You should get a fair few girls into 15 gallons, say about 6-8?

Would this 15g be the remaining room in the same tank from the divided off section for the male? Not sure how the girls would react to a male being so close if this is so. They could fight amongst themselves worse than usual to be his mate. If its another tank then disregard this last paragraph :rolleyes:
I meant an opaque divider :) The girles wouldn't be able to see him and vice versa. And yep, the 15g is the remaining bit, although I might just set up another 3 g tank or somethig and have one. They're expensive little critters :)
Sounds good to me either way :)

Yep, expensive little critters they are :lol: but very addictive
Amen :) I'll either go with the divider or do a bit of swapping. I'll try and put my hamster in a smaller cage (taller rather than wide) and see how much room I've got on my desk. If I've got enough room, I'll put hannibal in the unheated 3g and my new guy in the heated one.

EDIT- I've decided to have a go at the above idea, he's getting a bit battered by the current. Although I might try putting Hannibal in the community.... He's better at dealing with filters...
Okely dokely, played musical tanks today. I've put the new guy in the heated 3g because it has less current and I can put more in my community. He's pretty laid back, compared to Hannibal anyway. Probably due to being in with evil platies at the shop... Anyways, I tried Hannibal in the community. I never knew he was so aggressive. He was flaring like mad at the cories, who were probably thinking 'What a loser'. So I set up the empty 3g and bunged in some fake plants,a flower pot and the mini filter. Depending on how it goes, I might put back the yellow guy in the comm, but I doubt it.
Hehe, he's a great bubblenester. He only went in last night and he's already got a biig bubblenest :) I'd love to breed him if I had room and space...
He nearly gave me a heart attack earlier... I walked into the room, had a glance in his tank. Couldn't see him anyywhere, so sat on the chair next to it and had a look. He was floating on the surface... Took the lid off and gently blew on him... He gave a quick wiggle and swam off. Grrr...

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