Yay For Lfs Ignorance


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
Well, my last class ended at 11, and I don't have another until 3, so I spent most of that time going to WalMart trying to find cheap containers for jarring fry, going to one pet store to get aspen shavings for my gerbils, and then going to another pet store just to look around...

And I'm pretty darn sure there a few plakats in the female betta tank! They're definitely all still young and some of them look like females (one female is a DT, although she's got very uneven lobes), but there's like 3 that look like male plakats: no ovipositor, long ventrals, very pointed anal fin, and they don't have that "female" shape. One's a really pretty yellow color, and I think I'm going to get him/her after this next class ends at 5:00. He'll have to live in about a gallon for a while, but come on, a plakat for 3 bucks?? I can totally make room. ;) And if it turns out he/she is female, I can always toss him/her in my 55 gallon sorority tank. ^_^

Sorry, just wanted to share my excitement! :hyper:
Heh, good plan :) Be warned though, they could well be VTs or whatever, my ladyboy didn't start growing s tail until he was out of that cramped hormonal tank.
Not a bad price, VTs are like £4 where i live!!!

Hmm, I don't think he's a veil, although even if he is, that's cool... VTs are my second favorite after PKs. ;)
DO IT!! PKs rock. I got all 6 of my PKs (4 of which are still with me) aside from the 2 from Synirr - including a copper and two marbles - from stores who clearly didn't know what they were selling. Poor little Jaser was even a freebie since he was wounded and nobody wanted the "ugly short-finned bettas." What's sad is, despite their relative rareness, all 6 plakats I've had came to me in horrifically bad shape; Innoby was covered head to tail in Ich, Kedamono had septicemia, Jaser had water mold and HITH, Tag's and Lute's bowls were so dirty with poo and dead bugs you could hardly see them, and the new guy you've been reading about at UB is obviously in rough shape. If only those stores knew people would pay a good $15 for fish like that; maybe they'd take better care of the poor buggers. :angry:
I got him/her! :D Now that I have a closer look, I really don't know if it's a male or female, lol. I *know* some of the ones there were male, but this one's a little harder. Oh well, even if it's a female, he/she's UBER cute, it looks like he/she has a "muddy" face. :wub:

Here are some really bad pics... he/she's stressed and kind of clamped up. Later I'll get some better photos to see what y'all think.



Without flash for better color:

Oh, and I forgot I had an undivided 5 gallon tank, so I put a divider in there, moved one of my other guys in there, and so this n00b gets a 2.5 gallon tank, yay!
So, after releasing him into his new home and putting a mirror in front of him... you figure it out. ;)





I must admit... he's a dang good looking fish. :wub:

Darn you, I want a yellow plakat now! lol

I must admit, he is very, very, very nice looking! :drool:
He is a cutie...love his color!! :wub: I wish I could find plakats around here. :look:
100% sure its a pk. nice color. and for only 3 bucks? nice find. 2...lol i why didnt you get the other 2 i would have. wow my lfs sucks the best stuff they got was an Imbellis, really it was just a pk lol and just 1 a that.
Wow, how cute! He sure has a lovely color too! :nod: Congrats on the find! So cheap too! Mine were $5.99 per! :eek:
:grr: that is a yellow fish! I want a yellow. So we think its a boy now?
OK..my little girl has this white dot thing she wont flare at mirrors, just admires herself and sort of curves her tail around and acts coy. So as none of my boys do that :lol: she is definitely a pretty girl!

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